Page 6 - Teslacoin Review - Harnessing Energy
P. 6
By one method of control or another, by levies, taxes, rents, or some other
means, the ruling class takes a portion of the wealth produced by the masses
from them, and consumes it according to their liking or as the exigencies of the
time dictate. What they appropriated from their subjects they consumed or
This point brings us to the next important step in the development of the Teslacoin
We come then to the following conclusion; a social system may so condition the
operation of a technological system, as to impose a limit upon the extent to
which it can expand and develop. When this occurs cultural evolution ceases.
Neither evolution nor progress in culture is inevitable.
When cultural advance has thus been arrested, it can be renewed only by
tapping some new source of energy and by harnessing it in sufficient magnitude
to burst asunder the social system which binds it. Thus freed, the new
technology will form a new social system, one congenial to its growth, and
culture will again advance.
It can be argued that, just as happened to other decadent cultures throughout
history, the present forms of culture dominant in countries throughout Europe,
Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas are constricting the development of the