Page 31 - חזקו בשנה החולפת
P. 31
of yearning to Hakodash Boruch Hu. We would often sit for the most harrowing part of her story. I lower my head in the
hours listening to his playing, weeping along with his clarinet face of her sadness and pain.
as it carried us up into higher spheres. ‘The pain is indescribable,’ continues Mrs Kluger. Her voice
‘Now Srulik finished the song and we emerged from our is low and strong, without tears, as though she is giving
sweet trance. “Just one more song,”we begged, but Srulik me directions to a place I have never visited. Indeed, one
said “’No, that was my last song”’. who has not reached that place can only watch from the
‘”What a pity” we thought, “such beautiful songs and now outside.... ‘The pain of the loss includes many facets: his
for three weeks will be silent”. Not one of us dreamt that the special character, his golden middos. Every member of the
song would be the last one we’d ever hear from Srulik... family and every one of his friends individually felt the acute
pain of his death. The loss of such a pure and holy neshama
was a truly difficult blow.’
Song of Love How does one respond to such a blow?
‘Friday night I sat at the table lovingly observing my beautiful ‘The only way to survive such a painful, bitter blow is to
family. The younger children were playing happily, the older know and remember clearly that there was no wrong
ones chatting contentedly. My heart overflowed with address here. The Angel of Death did not mistakenly come
nachas. I waited in anticipation for the zemiros to begin; our and tragically cut short the life of our precious Srulik in his
family were all talented vocalists and every gathering would bloom. Every detail was pre-ordained from Heaven. I do not
spontaneously turn into a family kumzitz with beautiful, for one moment believe that my Srulik died due to a medical
heart-warming songs. failure or another technical reason. Now, looking back there
‘Srulik started singing the well-known ‘Ahava Raba’ were so many clues that his end was near. He did not die
song,and everybody around the table was swept along with prematurely; this was the exact time that our beloved G-d
his fervour. I could not take my eyes off him – he seemed wanted our Srulik back next to him.
to be in another world: his eyes were closed and he swayed ‘For example, the Thursday before he came home, he was
along with the holy words. Srulik had always had a special at a mesiba celebrating the achievements of the bochurim
affinity with the words of the holy tefilla. Already as a young who had been tested on 500 blatt Gemara and been titled
child, if he ever didn’t understand what he learned in cheder, ‘HaChaver’. Our Srulik spent the time repaying old, minor
he would shed tears during the tefilla of Ahava Raba. Now he debts – ten shekel to this one, thirty shekels to that one
sang fervently, full of warmth and passion. When he finished, etc. He did not leave for home before repaying every single
he started the song again, thus completing the song a few penny he owed. Occurrences like this strengthen our Emuna
times. It was rare indeed to see Srulik express his deepest that every detail is planned in advance from Shomayim.
emotions like that and everybody present sang along with ‘If you constantly bear this in mind the picture is completely
him. Even the very littlest children could not take their eyes different. At the shiva, well-meaning people tried to find
off their Uncle, whose singing was so elevated and holy. a ‘reason’ – perhaps a terrible virus, or an incompetent
‘When the singing finished, Srulik’s face was pale, as though doctor? I immediately said, ‘Don’t try to reassure yourself
the song had sapped his energy. At the end of the seuda he with stupid answers and reasons; it happened because that
mentioned that he wasn’t feeling well. My maternal instincts was the Will of our Merciful Father in Heaven.’
told me that he was coming down with a severe cold and I
sent him to bed. Finding the Good Moments
‘That was our last Shabbos seuda with Srulik. ‘We are not malachim,’ explains Mrs Kluger. ‘When a
‘That Shabbos afternoon was boiling hot. I sat next to my personal tragedy occurs the heart shatters into tiny pieces
precious son in a speeding ambulance (on Shabbos). He was and painful sobs wrack us. Our tafkid is to actually find the
extremely pale and his breathing was laboured. Even in my good moments amidst the sadness, and thus draw forth the
terror and anxiety I did not dream that in merely three days chasadim into even the blackest days.
we would be bidding farewell to our precious Srulik forever. ‘’Hashem gives and Hashem takes’. No one in the world
would be capable of granting me the precious gift of my
Everything is Transcribed in Advance Srulik, and, conversely, no one in the world would be able to
cushion the tragedy with so much mercy and love.’
There is a painful silence in the room as Mrs Kluger reaches At this point, stories of Hashem’s kindness start flowing.