Page 28 - חזקו בשנה החולפת
P. 28

‘ The organization gathers all the approximately 600             ...BEAR THIS IN MIND THE PICTURE IS
parents of the ‘Chizki family’ once a year at a large Kinus,            COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
where parents draw chizuk from each other and are
fortified emotionally to cope with the ongoing pain of the      ... ‘DON’T TRY TO REASSURE YOURSELF
loss. The kinus takes place on 19th Tamuz – the day my        WITH STUPID ANSWERS AND REASONS; IT
                                                              HAPPENED BECAUSE THAT WAS THE WILL
  precious Srulik returned his holy neshama to Hakodosh
   Boruch Hu. Another project of Chizki is the Shabbos         OF OUR MERCIFUL FATHER IN HEAVEN.’.
   we parents spend together at a secluded countryside
    location where, far from the hustle and bustle of

     the city, shattered parents can find solace and
        rejuvenation together. My husband is involved in
          these endeavours day and night.’

‘And what is your role in all this?’ I ask.

‘I stay home,’ answers Mrs Kluger. ‘I must                    prepare him a package of ‘gite zachen’ – the type that would
  remain strong at home. I knew from the                      reach him even when is far, far away: I lit a candle for his
    first minute that I must not allow myself                 neshama, said a kapital Tehillim and bentched with kavanah.
     to break down. My children were all                      These ‘gite zachan’ calmed me greatly by evoking a sense
     completely shattered – they needed                       of closeness to my precious son. He is my son and I am his
     me and I had to use all the strength I                   mother; the fact that he is no longer in this world does not
      possessed to indeed remain strong and                   change the reality.
      thus be able to comfort and strengthen                  ‘Srulik lives on with us. Till now he was in Yeshiva in Netanya
      them. A mother is always a mother                       – now he’s a bit further away in the Yeshiva Shel Maalah.
      even in a time of extreme tragedy; until                True he is now further away, but our connection with him is
      today I strengthen myself for the sake                  unbreakably strong.
      of my children.                                         ‘A month after the Levaya my husband and I went to the
      ‘Even Srulik still needs me,’ she says                  Premishlaner Rebbe shlita. He had been Srulik’s sandek.
      quietly. ‘He used to call home from                     When we entered his chamber, the Rebbe started crying:
      Yeshiva every morning at ten thirty. I                  “’How can we be comforted?” he asked. We cried with him
      was always home and waiting for his                     and then the Rebbe calmed down and said softly, “Every
      phone call at that time, looking forward                morning the sun rises in the East – first the sky is a bit
      to spending time with my precious                       dark but soon the sun shines with its full strength and with
      youngest. For a long time after his                     every hour that passes the sun climbs higher into the sky
      death I used to wait by the telephone                   and shines more brightly. At midday the sun reaches its full
      every day at ten thirty. I could not                    strength and then slowly starts to go down, its rays growing
      occupy myself with anything else                        weaker until it disappears completely and the world is dark.”
      during that time; to me nothing existed                 Mrs Kluger’s eyes are wet when she repeats the Rebbe’s
            on the world except me and my                     words: “The light is not extinguished – he is just on the other
                    precious son who was                      side of the world, but he will soon come back, his light will
                      no longer alive. During                 soon shine brightly again.”
                       that hour I felt a special             ‘We wait and we yearn,’ concluded Mrs Kluger with deep
                       closeness to him, as                   longing, ‘for the bright moment when our precious flame will
                       though he was literally                once again shine brightly. Only then will we understand that
                       sitting next to me - to                the darkness and pain was but a short stop on the path the
                    the point that many times                 great light.’
                  I simply could not contain
                myself and would literally
              speak to him, as a mother would
             to her child.

‘During that time I felt as though                            To share your pain, or help Chizki with its holy work
 Srulik was back at home and that                             please call Mrs Kluger on +972(0)53 3184012
  he’s waiting for something from

   me, anticipating my help. I would
     get up from my place and
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