Page 11 - Brugger Karl The chronicle of Akakor
P. 11

The Chronicle of Akakor
           The Chronicle of Akakor, the written history of my people, starts at the hour zero, when the Gods left
           us. At that time, Ina, the first prince of the Ugha Mongulala, resolved to have everything that was going
           to happen written down in good words and in clear script. And thus the Chronicle of Akakor bears
           witness to the history of the oldest people of the world, from the beginning, the hour zero, when the
           Former Masters left us, until the present time, when the White Barbarians are attempting to destroy our
           people. It explains the testament of the Ancient Fathers—their knowledge and their wisdom. And it
           describes the origin of time, when my people was the only one on the continent and the Great River still
           flowed on either side, when the country was still flat and soft like a lamb’s back. All this is written
           down in the chronicle, the history of my people since the departure of the Gods, the hour zero, which
           corresponds to the year 10,481 B.C. according to the calendar of the White Barbarians:

           "This is the story. This is the history of the Chosen Servants. In the beginning all was chaos. Men lived
           like animals, without reason and without knowledge, without laws, and without tilling the soil, without
           clothing themselves or even covering their nakedness. They knew nothing of the secrets of nature. They
           lived in groups of two or three, as accident had brought them together, in caves or rock crevasses. They
           walked on all fours until the Gods arrived: They brought the light."

           We do not know when all this happened. Where the strangers came from is only dimly known. A dense
           mystery lies over the origin of our Former Masters which even the priests’ knowledge cannot disperse.
           According to tradition, the time must have been 3,000 years before the hour zero - 13,000 B.C.
           according to the calendar of the White Barbarians. Suddenly, glimmering golden ships appeared in the
           sky. Enormous blasts of fire illuminated the plain. The earth shook, and thunder echoed over the hills.
           Man bowed down in veneration before the powerful strangers who came to take possession of the earth.

           The strangers said their home was called Schwerta, a world far distant in the depths of the universe
           where their ancestors lived and from where they had come to bring their knowledge to other worlds.
           Our priests say that it was a powerful empire made up of many planets, as numerous as grains of dust on
           the road. And they also say that both worlds, that of our Former Masters and the earth itself, meet one
           another every 6,000 years. Then the Gods return.

           With the arrival of the strange visitors to our world, the Golden Age began. One hundred and thirty
           families of the Ancient Fathers came to the earth to free man from darkness. And the Gods recognized
           them as their own brothers. They settled the wandering tribes; they gave them fair shares of all things
           edible. They worked diligently to teach man their laws even though their teaching was met by
           opposition. For all this labor, and for the sake of everything they suffered for mankind and for what they
           brought and showed us, we venerate them as the bringers of our light. And our cleverest artisans have
           fashioned images of the Gods that bear witness throughout all eternity to their true greatness and
           wonderful power. Thus the image of the Former Masters has remained known to this day.

           In appearance, the strangers from Schwerta hardly differed from man. They had graceful bodies and
           white skin. Their noble faces were framed with bluish black hair. A thick beard covered the upper lip
           and the chin. Like man, they were vulnerable creatures of flesh and blood. But the decisive sign that
           distinguished the Ancient Fathers from men were the six fingers on each of their hands and the six toes
           on each of their feet, the characteristic of their divine origin.

           "Who can learn to fathom the acts of the Gods? Who can learn to understand their deeds? For surely
           they were mighty, incomprehensible to ordinary mortals. They knew the course of the stars and the laws
           of nature. Verily, they were familiar with the highest law of the universe. One hundred and thirty
           families of the Ancient Fathers came to earth and brought the light."

           The Chosen Tribes

           The memory of our oldest ancestors makes me bewildered and sad. My heart is heavy because we are
           now alone, abandoned by our Former Masters. Our knowledge and power is due to them. They led men
           from darkness to light. Before the strangers arrived from Schwerta, men wandered about like children

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