Page 12 - Brugger Karl The chronicle of Akakor
P. 12

The Chronicle of Akakor
           who cannot find their homes and whose hearts know no love. They gathered roots, bulbs, and wild
           growing fruits; lived in caves and holes in the ground; and disputed with their neighbors over the hunted
           prey. Then the Gods came and established a new order in the world. They taught men to till the soil and
           to raise animals. They showed them how to weave cloth and allotted permanent homes to families and
           clans. And thus the tribes developed.

           "That was the beginning of light, life, and tribe. The Gods called men together. They deliberated,
           considered, and held councils. Then they made decisions. And from all the people they chose their
           servants to live with them, servants to whom they bequeathed their knowledge."

           From the chosen families, the Gods founded a new tribe and gave it the name of Ugha Mongulala,
           which in the language of the White Barbarians means the Allied Chosen Tribes. And as a token of their
           eternal covenant, they mated with their servants. Therefore the Ugha Mongulala resemble their divine
           forefathers to the present day. They are tall; their faces are characterized by protruding cheekbones, a
           sharply delineated nose, and almond-shaped eyes. Men and women have the same thick bluish black
           hair. The only difference from the Gods were the mortals’ five fingers and five toes. The Ugha
           Mongulala are the only white-skinned people on the continent.
           Although the Former Masters withheld many secrets, the history of my people nevertheless also
           explains the Gods’ history. The strangers from Schwerta founded a powerful empire. With their
           knowledge, their superior wisdom, and their mysterious tools it was easy for them to change the earth
           according to their own ideas. They divided the country, and built roads and canals. They sowed new
           plants previously unknown to man. They taught our forefathers that an animal is not only prey but can
           also be a valuable possession and indispensable against hunger. They patiently imparted the knowledge
           necessary so that man could grasp the secrets of nature.

           Based on this wisdom, the Ugha Mongulala survived for millennia in spite of horrendous catastrophes
           and terrible wars. As the Chosen Servants of the Former Masters, they determined the history of
           mankind for 12,453 years, as it was written in the Chronicle of Akakor:

           "The line of the Chosen Servants did not die out. Those that are called the Ugha Mongulala survived.
           Many of their sons may have died in devastating wars; awful catastrophes were visited on their realms.
           But the strength of the Chosen Servants remained intact. They were the masters. They are the
           descendants of the Gods."

           The Stone Empire

           The Chronicle of Akakor, the written history of the people of the Ugha Mongulala, only begins after the
           departure of the Former Masters in the year zero. At that time, Ina, the first prince of the Ugha
           Mongulala, commanded that all events be written down in good words and in clear script, and with due
           veneration for the Former Masters. But the history of the Chosen Servants reaches back further, into the
           Golden Age, when the Ancient Fathers were still ruling the Empire. Very few testimonies of this period
           have been preserved. The Gods must have established a mighty empire where all the tribes fulfilled
           allotted tasks. The Ugha Mongulala ranked highest. They were granted a greater wisdom that made
           them superior to all other peoples. In the year zero, the Gods bequeathed their cities and temples to the
           Chosen Tribes. They have lasted 12,000 years.

           Few White Barbarians have ever seen these monuments or the city of Akakor, my people’s capital.
           Some Spanish soldiers who had been captured by the Ugha Mongulala succeeded in escaping through
           the subterranean passages. White adventurers and settlers who discovered our capital have been
           imprisoned by my people.

           Akakor, the capital of the realm, was built 14,000 years ago by our forefathers under the guidance of the
           Former Masters. The name comes from them as well: Aka means "fortress," and Kor means "two."
           Akakor is the second fortress. Our priests also tell of the first fortress, Akanis. It was situated on a
           narrow isthmus in the country that is called Mexico, at the place where the two oceans touch. Akahim,

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