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P. 193

the plans of the White Fraternity. And that opportunity was offered by the Lords of the Dog,
               thirty years later, to Guillaume de Nogaret.
                      Pedro de Creta and Valentina  of Tharsis procreated  four children, who lived all  their
               lives in San Félix. Six of their grandchildren, with other ten familiars of Arnaldo Tíber, were
               those who returned to Spain since the year 1315: and amongst them was Enrique Cretez,
               ancestor of Lito of Tharsis. It is clear then, Dr. Siegnagel, why I have stopped to speak so
               much about them: I came directly from that couple formed by Pedro and Valentina.

               Thirty-Fourth Day

                      In the beginning of the XIII century, the plans of the White Fraternity seemed to have
               been complying relentlessly: and notwithstanding that they failed. What happened then?.
               This was Dr. Siegnagel, the question exposed in the Eighteenth Day. The answer, that now you
               will  be  capable  to  understand  more  profoundly,  affirmed  that  two  exoteric  causes  and  one
               esoteric,  and  fundamental,  explained  the  failure;  synthetically,  the  esoteric  causes  were
               concentrated  in  two  men  of  the  History,  Frederick  II  of  Germany  and  Philip  IV  of  France;
               however, they only expressed the action of some occult forces, which I have denominated the
               «opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom». The first exoteric cause and the opposition of the
               Hyperborean  Wisdom  have  been  already  exposed.  Now  it  is  only  missing,  to  complete  the
               explanation, to show how the Circulus Domini Canis applies the Coup of Grâce to the enemy
               Strategy directing against their plans the acts of Philip IV of France, the second exoteric cause.
                      In  1223  died  Philip  II  Augustus,  a  King  anesthetized  by  the  Golem,  who  remained
               indifferent  during  the  Crusade  against  the  Chatars  and  permitted  the  consolidation  of  the
               Order  of  the  Temple  in  France.  He  would  be  succeeded  by  Louis  VIII  the  Lion,  a  monarch
               physical and spiritually weak, who would participate in 1226 in the second Crusade against the
               Chatars and would die the same year. Thenceforth, and until 1279, governs Louis IX the Saint,
               who leaves settled the issue of the Languedoc when he incorporated all the territories to the
               Crown of France by the marriage, obliged, of the unique daughter of the Earl of Tolosa with his
               brother Alphonse of Poitiers. Then, the Guelph King of Aragon James I would confirm to Louis
               IX the territorial occitanian conquests conceding, in the treaty of Corbeil of 1257, the rights of
               Aragon  over  Carcassonne,  Rhodes,  Lussac,  Bezier,  Albi,  Narbonne,  Nîmes,  Tolouse,  etc.,
               betraying with it the Cause of for which his father, Peter II, died in the battle of Muret fighting
               against Simon de Montofort; he would also give his daughter Isabel as wife of Philip III, son of
               Louis IX. Is that James I was such child that Peter II had given as hostage to Simon de Montfort
               «for his education»: once Peter II died, a delegation of Noble Catalans managed before Innocent
               III the return of the child, to which the Golem Pope agreed with the condition that he would
               have to be educated by the Templar of Spain, that is, in the Mozón Fortress, the same place
               where Bera and Birsha assassinated Lupo of Tharsis, Lamia and Rabaz. James I was six years
               old when he was put in hands of the Templars, who would dedicate for many years brainwash

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