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P. 197

Were these popular reactions the famous «Sicilian Vespers», which occurred haphazard
               due to in those days Peter III had sailed from Barcelona with his powerful navy and he was in
               Africa, near to Sicily. His projects, largely elaborated, were carried out with great precision; in
               June  he saw many Sicilian ships: they were ambassadors of Palermo who came to offer the
               Crown of Sicily to the King Aragon and the Queen Constance. Then he landed in the island in
               the middle of the general joy of the people, that was seen with that act of sovereignty free
               forever from the French and Guelph domination. Therefore, it was not about of invasion but of
               a legitimate real election: the Sicilian people, liberated by their own means from the French
               occupation was given to their own kings, restoring in this way the ancient rights of the House
               of Swabia in the person of the granddaughter of Frederick II. But the Golems didn't bite the
                      Note,  Dr.  Siegnagel,  that  once  again  the  Golem  seemed  to  have  won  the  match:  the
               heretic Cathars not existed now, neither was perceived the presence of the Grail, nor existed an
               ostensible Universal Emperor as Frederick II to dispute with Pope the Spiritual Power, nor even
               existed a King in Germany, but in France yes, Philip III, completely controlled by the Church,
               and  a  Financial  Templar  Synarchy  in  full  march,  and  a  French  King,  Charles  of  Anjoum
               occupying the two Sicilys and maintain keeping at bay the luciferic Ghibellines. But suddenly
               the Smite of Peter III, that could not foresee because he was product of the High Strategy of the
               Domini Canis, produced the resurge of the Ghibellines and threatened with the failure of the
               plans of the White Fraternity. The Golems would not permit it with impunity. In November of
               that  year  Martin  IV  declares  the  excommunication  against  Peter  III  and  coerces  him  to
               withdraw from Sicily and love Charles de Anjou, loyal vassal of the Pope. Before the
               indifference of the aragonese he repeats the excommunication in January and march of 1283,
               preparing the hand to stab him in the back: in the last papal bull, indeed, he affirms that the
               Kingdom of Aragon is vassal of the Pope for commitment of Peter II, the grandfather of Peter
               III who died in the battle of Muret, and that the Pontiff has the faculty to name King to whom
               he  pleases;  so,  he  removes  the  Crown  to  the  excommunicated  aragonese  and  deprives  the
               sacraments of the Church to the populations and places that obeyed him. The Golems’ plan
               consists to outbreak a struggle unto death against Peter III and expand the Dominion
               of France at the expenses of the one of Aragon: would be the previous step to make
               that  a  King  of  the  Church  be  elevated  to  the  throne  of  the  World  Government,
               supported by the Financial Synarchy of the Templars, and prepare the wherewithal to
               establish the Universal Synarchy.
                      In that plan, evidently, the Golems had underestimated Peter III. Really, all failed with
               the  Aragonese  because  they  ignored  the  spiritual  strength  that  he  had  developed  by  the
               influence of John of Procida and the Domini Canis. But he prompt gives proofs to have an
               unerring courage;  and  unlimited  intrepidity;  an  unbreakable  loyalty  to  the  principles  of  the
               Hyperborean Wisdom, this is, to the inheritance of the Pure Blood of his Lineage, what grants
               him the divine right to reign without asking anyone than to Himself; and a monolithic sense of
               Honor,  that  the  Spirit  dictates  in  him,  and  impulse  him  to  fight  unto  death  for  his  ideal,
               without surrendering never. Formidable enemy have challenged the Golem this time.
                      The stab in the back meant to compromise the Kingdom of Aragon in a war with France,
               what Peter III was trying to avoid. The Golems believe that the presence of Peter III of Aragon
               would leave Sicily free to fulfill the new occupation. But the island, protected by the Catalan
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