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Lineages, existed a familiar mission impressed by their remote ancestors in times of the fall in
               the  Cultural  Pact;  and  the  Lineage  of  Philip  IV  was  of  very  Pure  Blood,  even  if  in  the  last
               generations they would have been dominated by the Priests of the Cultural Pact, that’s to say,
               by  the  monks  and  the  Golem  Bishops:  such  dynasty,  indeed,  began  with  the  first  King  of
               France, Hugh Capet, son of Hugh the Great and grandchild of the Earl of Paris and Duke of
               France,  Robert;  this  last  one  was  son  of  Robert  the  Strong  member  of  the  royal  Saxon
               House, invested by Charles the Bald, grandchild of Charlemagne, with the title of Count of
               Anjou, to make that his German troops stop the Normans attacks. In Philip IV would reborn,
               thence, as occurred with Frederick II, a fruit that proceeded of a same Saxon racial root and
               that was developed in secrecy in the fertile field of the Pure Blood.

                      Will be seen how both objectives are reached jointly; as the Regal Function, assumed
               entirely by Philip IV, who deposited in the society the seed of the nationality; and how the
               measures  taken  in  his  government,  measures  based  in  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom,  would
               produce the failure of the plans of the White Fraternity. Lamentably, Philip IV would not reach
               to  see  totality  realized  his  yearnings  by  the  same  reason  that  were  not  entirely  reached  by
               Frederick II: the Age was not propitious for the integral application of an Strategy that could
               only end with the Final Battle against the Potencies of the Matter; such Age is still pending in
               History  and  perhaps  we  are  entering  on  it,  but  Philip  IV  was  as  near  as  he  could,  to  his
               objective; and that undeniable fact lies his Glory.
                      In first place of importance the instructors Domini Canis revealed to the child in what
               consisted  the  Regal  Function  of  the  Pact  of  Blood,  concept  that  Frederick  II,  seventy  years
               before,  had  understood  clearly:  if  a  racial  population  exists,  a  community  of  blood,
               always,  always,  in  its  bosom  an  Aristocracy  of  the  Spirit  will  be  conformed,  from
               where would emerge the Sovereign King: the King will be who has the highest grade
               of  the  Aristocracy,  the  Purest  Blood;  who  has  such  courage,  will  be  recognized
               charismatically  by  the  people  and  will  reign  for  the  Divine  Right  of  the  Spirit.  His
               Sovereignty could not be questioned nor discussed thus, his Power shall be Absolute.
               There is nothing Higher than the Spirit and the King of Blood represents the Spirit;
               And in the Pure Blood of the population lies the Spirit; and for this reason the King of
               the  Pure  Blood,  who  represents  the  Spirit,  is  also  the  Voice  of  People,  the
               individualized Will that tends towards the Spirit. In such way that nothing material
               can interpose between the King of the Blood and the Population: on the contrary, the
               Pure Blood unites them charismatically, in a contact that is out of the Time and the
               Space,  in  that  absolute  instance  beyond  the  created  matter  which  is  called  The
               common Origin of the Race of the Spirit. Therefore, all what is materially conformed in
               relation to the population must be subordinated to the King of the Blood: all the wills
               must join or break before his Will; all the powers must be subordinated to his Power.
                      Even the religious power, and the one who reaches the limits of the Cult, must
               lean under the Will of the Spirit that the King of the Blood manifests.
                      In second place is explained to Philip IV that the fall of the populations of the Pact of
               Blood  is  suffered  due  to  a  «war  fatigue»  and  the  employed  methods  by  the  Priests  of  the
               Cultural Pact to detract, deform, and corrupt, the Regal Function. In the case of the Roman

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