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P. 203

before which shall lean the «Temporal Sword» of the Kings and Emperors.
                      But nothing of this is true, even though it is encoded in the Canon Law. The pretended
               «Spiritual Sword» of the Golem Church is just a priestly Sword. And the Power of a King of
               the  Blood  authorized  to  exert  for  the  Divine  Right  of  the  Eternal  Spirit,  is  not  precisely
               analogous  to  a  «Temporal  Sword»  but  to  a  Sword  of  Absolute  Will,  a  Sword  which  hilt  is
               located in the Origin, beyond the Time and Space, but whose blade can cross the Time and
               Space  and  be  manifested  to  the  people.  In  every  case,  the  King  of  the  Blood wields  the
               Volitional Sword, which action is called Honor, and impresses with its touches the forms of
               the Kingdom: from those hits of real Will, from these acts of Honor, will appear the Legislation,
               the Justice, and the wise Administration of the Charismatic State.
                      If Philip IV wants to present himself as King of the Blood, clarify the Domini Canis, he
               shall restore previously the Regal Function, he shall abandon the illusory «Temporal Sword»,
               that  was  imposed  to  his  ancestors  by  the  Priests  of  the  Cultural  Pact,  and  wield  the  real
               Volitional  Sword  of  the  Lords  of  the  Pact  of  Blood,  the  Sword  that  manifests  the  Absolute
               Power  of  the  Spirit.  However,  the  Canon  Law,  prevailing  until  those  days,  legalizes  the
               hierarchization of the Swords according to the Cultural Pact: first the priestly Sword, pontifical;
               second the «temporal» Sword, regal. It is necessary, then, to modify the juridical existent order,
               to circumscribe the Canon Law to the exclusive ambit of the religious and establish a separate
               Civil Law: the Regal Function demands inevitably the separation of the Church and the State.
                      Well: in front of this exigency, Philip IV was not  in a situation to initiate something
               totally new, some kind of «juridical revolution»; on the contrary, the Circulus Domini Canis
               was preparing the field for it since the times of Louis IX, grandfather of Philip IV. Since those
               days, in fact, the Lords of the Dog came influencing in the French Court to favor the formation
               of a whole class of secular legists whose secret mission would consist in revise, and update, the
               Roman Law. Philip III, the son of Louis IX, was a King completely dominated by the Cistercian
               Golems, who maintained him in such ignorance that, useful as an example, they never taught
               to  read  or  to  write;  his  mental  structure,  skillfully  modeled  by  the  Golem  instructors,
               corresponded more to a monk than a warrior. The Lords of the Dog never tried to alter this
               control because their Strategy not passed by him but through his son Philip IV; however, in one
               moment they achieved to influence in Philip III for the approval of a Law, apparently profitable
               for the Crown, in which was reserved the right to give nobility titles to the secular legists; this
               juridical  instrument  was  used  then  to  promote  many  and  important  Domini  Canis  to  the
               highest  charges  and  magistratures  of  the  Court,  until  then  prohibited  to  all  the  commoner
               classes.  Those  secular  legists,  belonging  to  the  Circulus  Domini  Canis,  were  dedicated  with
               great  devotion  to  their  specific  mission  and,  in  1285,  they  had  already  developed  the
               fundaments that would allow to build an State in which the Regal Function would be over any
               other  Power.  Philip  IV  would  count  then,  with  a  team  of  advisers  and  functionaries  highly
               specialized in the Roman Law, who would help him faithfully in his confrontation with the
               Golem papacy. From the most prestigious universities of France, especially Paris, Toulouse and
               Montpellier, but also of the Order of Preachers, and even the new educated bourgeoisie, will
               emerge the legists that will give intellectual support to Philip IV: amongst the main of them,
               the Knights Pierre Flotte, Robert de Artois and the Earl of Saint Pol; to Enguerrand de Marigny,
               coming from the Norman bourgeoisie, as well as his brother, the bishop Philippe de Marigny;
               Guillaume  de  Plasian,  Knight  of  Toulouse  and  ferven  Cathar;  and  Guillaume  de  Nogaret,
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