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P. 207
understood then, the concept of centrality of the Mystic: every strategic subject is the
Core of the Mystic; but, as the perception is charismatic, not temporal nor spatial, it
is clear that the same core is simultaneously in all the strategic subjects. In regard to
the Mystical Nation, for example, there is a Centre that lies simultaneously in all the members
of their people, the strategic subjects: each one of them projects the principle of Enclosure in
any field, being geographic or cultural, and receives charismatically the national Mystic; and
the Nation is one and the same for all.
Now it will be understood better Dr. Siegnagel, the charismatic character of the Regal
Function: according to the Hyperborean Wisdom, if the Core of a Mystical Nation is
embodied in one man, he, undoubtedly, is the King of the Pure Blood, racial Leader,
charismatic Chief, etc., of that population. The King of the Pure Blood constitutes then,
the fundamental Core of the Mystic of the Kingdom, which is the same centre that lies
simultaneously in all his people: «in such manner that nothing material can interpose
between the King of the Blood and the population», because amongst them exists the
Charismatic Connection in the common Origin of the Pure Blood.
When applying the principle of the Enclosure to his Kingdom, Philip IV perceives the
Mystic of the French Nation and also sees, as for contrast, to the Enemy, external and internal.
Who is the Enemy? It is necessary to consider many grades. In first place, the Enemy is
anyone who is opposed the establishment of the strategic Enclosure: who recognize a national
frontier but not accept it; who put pressure against any of the national frontiers. In this case is,
for example, other Nation, neighbor or not, but that exerts the unquestionable power to
expand its national enclosure, based in the Divine Right of the Spirit to Reign over populations
racially inferiors and to occupy their territory: the polemic will decide the war, the means by
which is determined unequivocally what Nation possess the best Hyperborean Strategy and,
therefore, what is population of Purest Blood and who is the more spiritual King of Blood. But
this is a worthy Enemy, because recognizes the existence of the adversary Nation although not
respects the limits of the Enclosure: with such Enemy, it is always possible to pact an
agreement of national coexistence, which doesn’t means, of course, the definitive peace, due to
is not possible to suspend the charismatic effect of a Aristocracy of the Pure Blood: as in any
other Nation, will be appearing leaders that will try to resolve the problem. The permanent
peace is not conceived in the national Strategy of the populations of the Pact of Blood but a
concept absolutely different, known as national Mystic¸ and that will be reached by both
populations at the end of the War: the first objective of the national war is not, then, the mere
occupation of the enemy territory, neither the imposition of a foreign Culture, nor the
annihilation of the faced population; all these objective, placed in first term, obey to the
strategic deviations introduced by the Priests of the Cultural Pact; the main objective is the
incorporation of the enemy Nation to the own national Mystic, the Charismatic Connection
between both populations and the coincidence with the King of the Blood; and if that means
the destruction of a royal Family, the extinction of a Voice of the people, the triumphant mystic
will be manifested, for all the strategic subjects in struggle, in other Voice of the People of
superior charismatic character, that will express them all.
But, in second grade, it must be considered that the Enemy doesn’t admit even the right
to exist to the Mystical Nations. With this Enemy is not possible to conciliations of any type.