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P. 212

Cardinals: the old man Jacobo Colonna, patron of the Order of Spiritual Friars, and his nephew,
               Peter Colonna. The older brother of Peter, John Colonna, in the same period, was Senator and
               Governor of Rome. It is evident to mention that this family constituted a powerful Clan, that
               formed party with other Lords, Knights and Bishops; such party was faced, with great strength,
               against  the  second  important  Clan,  the  one  of  the  Orsini’s  or  Ursinos,  who  were  decidedly
               Guelph and were controlled by the Golems. Both groups dominated the rest Cardinals that had
               to decide the papal election; until that moment, the positions were drawn, the Colonna’s trying
               to hinder the Golem attempts and to propose, in turn, members of their own Clan.
                      But the Catholic Church was in that Age, an organization extended through the whole
               world, with thousands of Churches and vassal Seigniories that directed considerable amounts
               of  money  and  valuable  merchandises;  its  administration  could  not  remain  too  much  time
               adrift.  Hence,  after  two  years  and  three  months  of  discussions,  the  situation  turned  quite
               unsustainable  as  to  demand  the  election  without  delay.  Then,  once  they  realized  that  no
               accordance would emerge to name any of the present Cardinals Popes, they agreed to designate
               a non-cardinal. Both groups thought in a strawperson, a weak Pope whose will could be guided
               in secrecy. Therefore, in July 5 of 1294, is obtained the unanimously of votes, opting all for
               Peter de Morrone, a Saint hermit of eighty five years who lived retired in Cavern of Abruzzo.
                      The Spiritual Franciscans, leaded by Jacobo Colonna, had retaken the ancient monastic
               tradition inspired in the Rule of Saint Francis and in the apocalyptic vision of Joachim of Fiore.
                      Thirty years before, Peter was guide of many communities of Spiritual Franciscans, but,
               not satisfied yet with the extreme rigor of the Order, he founded his own, which later would be
               remembered  as  the  «Order  of  the  Celestines».  Nevertheless,  even  though  the  Celestines
               monasteries were extending continuously through the region of Abruzzo and the meridional
               Italy,  Peter  had  retired  to  the  Cavern  of  the  Motagne  del  Morrone  to  devote  himself  to  a
               contemplative  life;  was  in  that  retirement  when  he  had  news  about  his  nomination  for  the
               charge of Pope: he doubted of the convenience to accept but he was convinced by Charles II the
               Lame, son of Charles of Anjou, who, liberated from the Catalan prison was reigning in Naples.
                      Finally, Peter accepted the papal investiture and took the name of Celestine V: all the
               Christianity saluted merry the enthronement of the Saint, from whom was expected to put end
               to the regnant materialism and immorality in the ecclesiastic hierarchy and to open the Church
               to  a  spiritual  reform.  It  is  understood  then,  that  for  the  Colonna,  and  for  Philip  IV,  such
               election had taste of triumph.
                      But  Peter  de  Morrone  lacked  of  every  instruction  and  the  necessary  knowledge  to
               administrate an institution of the dimensions of the Catholic Church; his unique experience of
               government came from the conduction of small communities of Friars. Moreover, the Saint
               was not interested those mundane matters but all was related with the practical religion: the
               evangelization,  the  prayer,  the  salvation  of  the  Soul.  Hence,  he  delegated,  amongst  the
               Cardinals,  and  in  a  group  of  legists  Bishops,  the  temporal  issues,  forming  a  corrupt
               environment  and  interested  that  in  four  months  plunged  the  Church  in  a  great  economic
               The Golems, as is logic, were also expecting to control Peter de Morrone; they relied above all,
               in the King of Naples, for whom Peter professed special affection: they supposed that Charles II
               would  not  support  the  intrigues  of  his  cousin  Philip  the  Fair  and  he  would  prosecute  the
               Guelph policy of Charles de Anjou; with the help of the King would be easy to achieve that the

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