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Fraternity against the Hyperborean Wisdom. Yes, Dr. Siegnagel, this time the complaint was
proposed in the plane of Two Total Strategies, and its resolution would imply the total defeat of
one of the adversaries, i.e., the impossibility to comply with their strategic objectives. But, as it
was about the Strategy of the Potencies of the Matter against the Strategy of the Eternal Spirit,
represented by Boniface VIII and Philip IV, would not be difficult to predict who would win.
That was better synthetized by Pierri Flotte, a Lord of the Dog who was minister of
Philip the Fair: when Boniface affirmed: «For being the Pope, I wield the Two Swords», and he
answered: «It is true, Holy Father, but where your Swords are just a theory, the ones of my King
are a reality».
In October of 1294 many French provincial synods were gathered to discuss about the
help that the King claimed to solve the war against England. Many approved the transference,
for two years, of an extraordinary tithe, but the majority of the Orders protested to the
Vatican. And here can be said that started one of the most fruitful divisions in the bosom of the
Church: the French Bishops, in great number, went won by the national Mystic, and they felt
charismatically inclined to support Philip the Fair; on the other hand, the Golem Church,
represented in France by the Benedictine Orders, that’s to say, the Congregation of Cluny, the
Cistercian Order and the Templar Order, are fiercely opposed to the pretensions of Philip IV: is
the Abbot of the Cîteaux who raised to Boniface VIII the most virulent claims, after the general
assembly of 1226 in which are compared the «servile Bishops», who accepted to pay taxes, with
the «dumb dogs» of the Sacred Writing, meanwhile the King is equated to the Pharaoh. Such
difference, that in that moment was quite exaggerated, divided the Church of France in two
sides. In the side of the King, were aligned the nationalist Bishops, some of the Lords of the
Dog, although the majority were composed by simple patriots who feared privately a
confrontation with the Holy See: Philip IV would not neglect them, assuring in every case the
real protection against any reprisal that their behavior could produce; also the University of
Paris, the most prestigious school of Canon Law of Europe, was divided: there, apart from the
issue of the tax reform, was still debated about the legality of the election of Boniface VIII,
being many the canonists who considered Celestine V as the real Pope. The next measures of
Philip IV, and the strategic movements of the Domini Canis, would tend to consolidate the
unity of that side, to agglutinate them around the King of the Blood, and to oppose them
against Boniface VIII.
In the other side, the one of the Golem Church, properly said, headed by Boniface VIII,
were grouped the enemies of the Mystical Nation, that’s to say, the followers of the «internal
and external Enemy», the Golem Orders and their secret centre: the College of Temple
Constructors. For Philip IV, and in this manner would be exposed in the process to the
Templars, from that Secret Societies was being elaborated a plot destined to debilitate the
monarchies in favor of a World Government. Against that satanic side, still enough powerful as
to try a last defense of the plans of the White Fraternity, Philip IV should smite with all the
force of his Volitional Sword, trying at the same time that the hit would respond to the Highest
Hyperborean Strategy.
Boniface VIII doesn’t lose more time. He decides to apply over the King of France, and in
an extensive form to all who dare to imitate him, the universal prestige of the Catholic Church.
From this prestige appears the principle of obedience to the papal authority, which until
then no one dared to disobey without suffering severe punishments in his religious condition,