Page 208 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 208
Of course that he neither request it, because he never declares the war openly, to which
they affirm to repudiate, and prefers to operate in secrecy, from inside of the strategic
Enclosure. Is proposed in this manner to corrupt and destroy the charismatic bases of the
mystical State and to cause enfeeblement and eventual disintegration of the mystical form.
This Enemy, that must be qualified as synarchic, has in every Nation, and in all the
sectors of the structures of the state, with organizations of indoctrinated agents in the
objectives of the Cultural Pact: such satanic internationals conspire against the existence of
the mystic Nation; and, therefore against the application of the principle of the Enclosure and
the Charismatic Connection between the King and the people, that puts the Nation out of their
Control, that’s to say, out of the Control of the White Fraternity, which encourage, feeds and
vivify, the synarchic internationalisms. The plans of the White Fraternity, I already explained
widely, aims to establish the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People.
For this reason such Internationals, would coincide all in to sustain the principles of the
Cultural Pact, directed treacherously to debilitate the Hyperborean strategic principles of the
Populations of the Pact of Blood: to erase ethic base to the reality of the Aristocracy of the
Spirit, founded over the racial heritage of the Symbol of the Origin in the populations of Pure
Blood, they affirmed the equality of all men before the Creator Jehovah Satan. To
demonstrate that the Strategic Enclosure, and the Nation defined by him, was only a measly
idea, elaborated by mediocre men, austere and egoist, who would never accept the «High Ideal
of the Universalism», that employed the Christianity as instrument to equate culturally the
populations and the conditioned them to identify el Universal Principle of the Power with the
Pope of Rome, who with no doubts wielded the priestly Sword that dominated the temporal
Swords of the Kings: the Pope was a real Universal Sovereign, who prevailed over the
populations and Nations; before his «Greatness and Power», the work of the Kings of the Blood
would have to appear from the asleep men, evidently unprovided of the mystical character; and
the Aristocracy of the Spirit and the Blood, would be, for them fanatic egalitarians, an artificial
creation of the Nobility, a product of the privileges of the feudal society.
And to discredit the war as means to affirm the national Mystic, they were proposing
the utopia of the peace: a perpetual peace that would be obtained in every case if the humanity
entered in the stage of the religious universalism, if all the secular powers, the temporal
Swords, kneel before the priestly Sword of the catholic high priest; then the wars would end
and the Christians would live forever in peace, far from the arms and the battle fields, and of
the caprice of the Lords, committed to the work and the prayer, protected by the absolute
justice of the Representatives of God and his Law; only one World Government would have the
Power, and yet it might be possible that the Two Swords would be in hands of an imperial Pope;
and the peace would bring richness to all; but that richness would be administered fairly and
equitably by a unique Bank, product of a bank concentration, or financial Synarchy,
dependent exclusively of the High Priest that would exert the Universal Power. The Christian
people, then, shouldn’t doubt about who really represented their interests, and to whom they
should concede without questioning the Universal Sovereignty: the occupant of the Throne of
Saint Peter, the promoter of the universalis pax, the regent of the Pigeon of Israel. Against
this Christian civilization of Love and Peace, of egalitarian culture, were opposed the national
frontiers and the Kings of the Blood; and the Pagan civilization of Hate and War, which
invariably was produced inside of the mystical enclosures; and the Aristocracy of the Spirit; and