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cultural, was founded in the titles of the property and not in the blood as would
correspond to an authentic Aristocracy of the Spirit. In such manner that territorial
expansions of the predecessors of Philip IV had no other objective than the obtaining of power
and prestige in the feudal society: in no way these possessions would have guided to the
political unity of France, to the absolute monarchy, to the rational and centralized
administration, and the national consciousness. Such results were exclusive consequence of the
Strategy of Philip IV.
But a «Hyperborean Strategy» is not a mere set of measures but the dynamic structure
of an action finally effective. The Strategy of Philip IV, was based in the next concept of the
Hyperborean Wisdom: if a population is organized according the Pact of Blood, then,
the Regal Function demands the strategic mode of life. It means that the King of the Pact
of Blood shall guide his people applying the strategic principles of the Occupation¸of the
Enclosure, and the Strategic Wall; supplemented with the principle of the Magical
Cultivation, i.e., with the White Atlantean inheritance of the Agriculture and the Animal
husbandry. To this concept, that I already mentioned in the Third Day, is necessary to return to
comprehend structurally the change in the French policy after the advent of Philip the Fair.
In practical terms, the Strategy of Philip IV that he wanted to implement consisted in
the execution of the three principles mentioned through three correspondent politic facts. I
will explain now, in order, how Philip IV understood such principles, related with the Regal
Function, and I will show how his politic acts responded faithfully to the Hyperborean Strategy
of the Domini Canis.
First: Occupation of the Real Space. This principle admits many grades of
comprehension; obviously, in the case of the Regal Function, the occupation must include
essentially the territory of the Kingdom. But who should occupy the lands of the Kingdom? The
King of Blood and the reigning House, in the name of the racial community, i.e., of the
Spirit, which is a population of the Pact of Blood. Because the King is, according to what is
said, «The Voice of the people», «their individualized Will»; the King must occupy the territory
of the Kingdom to concentrate the popular sovereignty. The patrimonial feudal system,
product of the Cultural Pact, was undermining against the Regal Function because it
maintained the King separated from the people: the medieval population, indeed, they owed
direct obedience to the Territorial Lords, and they to the King; and the King could only
communicate with the people through the Feudal Lords. For this reason Philip IV would
sanction a law that obeyed, to all the people of France, to swear fidelity directly to the King,
without intermediaries of any type: «nothing material can interpose between the King of
the Blood and the People». In synthesis, the Occupation of the Kingdom, by the King,
«is» the Sovereignty.
Second: apply the principle of Enclosure in the real occupied space. In the most
superficial grade of significance, is referred also the territorial area: the own area must be
strategically isolated from the enemy dominion through the principle of Enclosure; this means
that, in every case, the definition of a state frontier. But in this second strategic step, is the one
that gives reality to concept of «Nation»: according to the Pact of Blood, a population, of
Origin, of common Blood and Race, organized as Sovereign State, and occupying and