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P. 224
divorce. In fact, according to what the human laws say, nothing more opposed to the
acquiescence than the error… can’t marry who, while the worthy husband lives, has
besmirched the marriage with the adultery. Thus; as all what perpetuates against God
is an injure which is committed against everyone, and in which such great crime
concerns, the testimony of the first who comes must be received, even being the one of
the wife, although being of a shameful woman. – I, therefore, as the beast that, through
the power of God was gifted with the Voice of a real human to make him reprove the
nonsenses of the false prophet, who reached to curse the blessed people, I direct unto
you my supplication, the most excellent of the Princes, our Lord Philip, by the grace
of God King of France, who after the example of the angel that showed the naked
sword to comply with the justice, you must oppose to this other and most fatal
Balaam, and prevent the consummation of the damage that he is preparing against
the people».
The damage consisted in the excommunication of Philip IV and the liberation of all the
French Christians to comply with the vow of fidelity, with which the Kingdom would remain in
question and could be rightfully conquered for whom the Pope authorizes: such the plans that
Boniface VIII was preparing and that the spies of Philip IV informed periodically. On the other
hand, as an effect of the manifest of Nogaret, no official measure was taken, but promptly the
people started to refer to the Pope as «Maleficent VIII», what explained why the Gascons
enjoy in France of the same fame that in Spain have the Andalusians.
Fortieth Day
In June 13 of 1303 was celebrated an Assembly of the General States in Louvre, chaired
by the King. On it were renewed the complaints against Boniface VIII and was formally
proposed the necessity to convoke a Council to condemn him and to name a new Pope. The
Nobles, the Cities, and the nationalist Bishops accept. Guillaume de Plasian requests to be the
accuser of Boniface in the future Council; he is accepted too, and reads a declaration where he
exposes his arguments: «I, Guillaume de Plasian, Knight, anticipate and affirm that
Boniface, who now occupies the Holy See, will be found a perfect heretic, according to
the heresies, prodigious facts and wicked doctrines as the following: 1 he doesn’t
believe in the immortality of the Soul; 2 he doesn’t believe in the eternal life,
because he affirms that he would prefer to be a dog, a donkey or a brute before a
French; thing that he would not say if he believes that a French has eternal Soul. He
doesn’t believe in the real Presence, because he decorates his throne with major
magnificence than the altar. He has said that to humiliate his majesty and the
French, he would disrupt the whole Universe. He gave his approval to the book of
Arnaud de Villenueve, the protected sorcecer of the Cistercians, who had been
condemned by the Bishop and the University of Paris. He erected statues of himself in
the Churches with the purpose to be worshiped beside the Crucified. He has a familiar