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Demon,  which  he  calls  ‘Bafoel’  who  reveals  him  what  he  wants  to  know:  for  this
               reason he said that even if the whole mankind would be placed aside, and would be
               only he in the other side , he can’t err, either in what treats about an aspect of a fact
               or only of right. He expressed in his public preach that the High Priest, even putting
               price to all the sacraments and ecclesiastical charges, can’t commit simony, which is a
               heresy to affirm. As a confirmed heretic, he sustains that only his own faith is the
               real, he qualified the French –notoriously one of the most Christian populations– of
               Cathars. He is a repugnant sodomite, as numerous testimonies prove it. He is also a
               killer: in his presence gave death to many clerics saying to his guards, when they not
               reached  to  slay  them  with  the  first  smite:  ‘Beat,  beat,  Dali,  Dali’.  He  obeyed  the
               priests to rape the secrets of the confessional. He doesn’t watch nor vigils nor fasts.
                      He releases philippics against the Order of Dominican Preachers, against the
               minor  brothers  and  the  Spiritual  Franciscans,  repeating  often  that  they  ruin  the
               world,  that  they  are  hypocrites  and  false,  and  that  nothing  good  would  happen  to
               those who confess before them. Trying to destroy the faith, he has conceived an old
               aversion against the King of France, in his hate towards the faith of the real Christ,
               because in France is where he is and was the splendor of the faith, the great support
               and  example  of  Christianity.  He  raised  everyone  against  the  House  of  France,  to
               England,  Germany,  confirming  the  title  of  Emperor  to  the  King  of  Germany,  and
               proclaiming that he did it to destroy the pride of the French people, who boasted to
               not be subjected to anyone concerning to the temporal things, that there was no one
               above his King, adding that they had lied through their ruff, and declaring that if an
               Angel would have descended from heaven and said that the French are not subjected
               neither to Boniface nor the Emperor, it would be anathema. He permitted the loss in
               Holy Land… employing in his personal wars and luxuries the money destined to the
               defense of that site. He has been recognized in public as simonist, and moreover, as
               the source and base of the simony, selling benefits to the highest bidder, imposing
               over the Church and the Bishop servitude and vassalage, with the objective to enrich
               his family and his friends with the patrimony of the crucified, and to convert them in
               Marquesses, Counts, Barons. He dissolves marriages for money… he annuls the votes
               of the nuns… in sum, Knights, he said that prompt, he would make of all the French
               martyrs or apostates».
                      Impressed  for  the  accusations  of  Plasian,  all  accompanied  by  abundant  proofs,  the
               parliamentarians convened to invite Boniface VIII to assist to the Council to exert his defense.
                      Nevertheless, Philip IV was not in accordance with the collective approval and he wrote
               personal letters for many dioceses of France; while Nogaret went to Rome to notify the Pope,
               Guillaume  de  Plaisan,  escorted  by  a  dissuasive  royal  troop,  he  visited  every  city  in  person,
               village  or  hamlets,  and  he  collected  the  signs  of  the  statements.  As  was  expected,  almost
               everyone signed when reading the letter to the King and hearing the exposition of the official
               accuser; only the Cistercians resists and the other Benedictine Orders, main refugees of the
               Golems; Citeaux, the Cluny, and the Temple, disapproved angrily the behavior of Philip the Fair
               and manifested that there’s nothing reprehensible in Boniface VIII. Instead, the University of
               Paris, the Dominicans of Paris and the Franciscans of Touraine declared to be in favor of the

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