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P. 230
surrounded by enemies, captured in his own palace of Anagni, bathed in cold sweats, Boniface
understood later that he has underestimated Philip the Fair and that he didn’t take seriously
the frequently warning advices that the monks sent to the Cistercians and the Templars. Prey,
of a mix of hate and terror, he felt that his Soul was depressing irredeemably. Then the
Banditti Sciarra, dargin to hit him and even to threaten him of death, while his men covered
him with insults. And at last, the treason of his natal population, looting without shamelessly
his palace, allying to his enemies who were the enemies of the Golem Church, the Church of
God the One the Creator of the Universe, of the God from whom he, the Priest Maximus, was
the living manifestation: O God One, what ingratitude the one of your people! Perhaps such
aggression of his people, for being of lesser importance but more affective, harmed him more
than the precedent offences. And, naturally, inside of that pain detached in highest grade the
anguish of have being despoiled from the gold and silver, of his art treasures of unparalleled
beauty gathered in entire life of acquisitions, many of them inherited or properties of the
Gaetani’s family. The weight of the failure was released without extenuations, crushing in some
hours to Boniface. Too many feelings at once, even for a Golem of legendary cruelty, the ones
that afflicted to the Pope of 69 years old.
When he was rescued by the people of Anagni his consciousness had been situated out of
the reality and, even if many promised to return the stolen, Boniface was not in conditions to
comprehend it. Mechanically he requested to be taken to the palace of Lateran. There the
Cardinals Orsini, when checking his demential state, maintained him aparted from the
Romans. With exorbitant eyes he exclaimed: Bafoel! Bafoel! Aliquem ad astra fero! In some
moments of lucidity he exploded request for vengeance against his enemies and predicted the
ruin of who had betrayed him. But later his mind went obscuring and he suffered fits of rage in
which he howled, vomiting foam form his mouth, and trying to bite who were taking care of
him. Finally, in 13 of October 1303, he died converted in furious beast, complying in this
manner the prophecy of Celestine V. The Saint had said: –«You have risen as a fox, you will
reign as a lion, and you will die as a dog ».