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P. 231
Forty-First Day
The manner in which Boniface VIII died, and the certainty that the King Charles II
remained indifferent before his fall, caused great fear amongst the Guelph Cardinals. As
nobody wanted to run his same luck, or even worse, nine days later the Sacred College agreed in
the identity of the new Pope: in 22 of October 1303, they elected Cardinal Nicholas Boccasini,
who took the name of Benedict XI and was General of the Dominicans. The brandnew Pontiff,
who although not a Domini Canis was strongly influenced by the Initiates of its Order, he tried
to carry out a conciliatory policy with the King of France and to initiate the reform of the
scandalous Golem customs which reigned in the high clergy, but he was poisoned with some
figs before the first year of his mandate. As in the case of Celestine V, the defunct was a
solution of convenience amongst the irreconcilable ecclesiastic parties: both sides entrusted in
intimately to dominate the Pope. His death plunged the Cardinals in a large discussion of ten
months under the pressure, now inevitable, of Philip the Fair.
The King of France offered gold and protection against the revenge of the Golems, and
achieved that many Guelphs Cardinals to sell their vows. Finally, they reached to an agreement:
a cleric not member of the Sacred College will be invested. Philip the Fair met with Bertrand de
Got, Archbishop of Bordeaux, in Saint Jean d’Angely. The Archbishop is a Lord of the Dog and
the King of France requested his collaboration: he wanted him to accept the papal investiture
and to take eight measures that will assure the Strategy of the Realm; he didn’t hide him the
that the mission would be quite dangerous due to the Golems will try to kill him by any means.
However, Bertrand de Got accepted. And would comply what he promised as well: proof
of it are the countless calumnies that the synarchic historians have affirmed about his memory;
nevertheless, as in the case of Philip the Fair, all the calumnies lost consistency and were
disintegrated when the Strategy that reigned and gave sense to his acts was known. Whatever
it was, the Archbishop convened to comply with the mission that the King proposed: first, to
condemn the work of Boniface VIII; second, the raise the excommunication of Philip IV; third,
that the Church receives no incomes for five years, of grace, his rents of France, with the
purpose to recover the economy of the Kingdom; fourth, rehabilitate the Colonna’s Cardinals
and their family; fifth, to name Cardinals some Domini Canis that would be indicated to him
opportunely; sixth, approve the determinations that the Kingdom could adopt against the
Chosen People; seventh, seizes the stealthy accumulated gold by the benedicnite and cluniac
Orders: eighth, contribute effectively to achieve the extinction of the Order of the Temple and
the dismemberment of its financial infrastructure.
In 5 of June 1305, the Cardinals elected Bertrand de Got, who took the name of Clement
V. He immediately requested to be crowned in Lyon, capital of the County of Provence. Why
there? Is another large story, Dr. Siegnagel, that I couldn’t narrate here: but I will give you a
synthetic answer. Lyon, is a city edified in a site which was known in antiqueness as
Lugdunum, which in gallic-celt meant hill of Lug; such name originated because in that hill
existed a Temple dedicated to the Cult of the God Lug. Well: such Cult was really ancient, from
the time of the Swarthy Atlanteans, but it maintained active for thousands of years after that
the Atlanteans had abandoned Europe; how?; because his descendants travelled from Egypt