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P. 232

with the objective to maintain always with Priests the Hill of Lug or Lyg, that is, Lyon. When
               the Golems came accompanying the Celtic invasion of the V century B.C., they decided to make
               of Lyon their main sanctuary. There they remained since then, during the Roman domination,
               burgundy and frank, until the days of Philip the Fair. Then, the Golems occupied practically the
               region  from  hundreds  of  Benedictine,  cluniac  and  Cistercians  monasteries  and  extensive
               Templar patronages: the Cult, of course, had not disappeared but it formed part of the secret
               Templar rites, due to the Knights were who guarded the exact site of the old Temple. To give
               just one clarifying example, I will say that it was not casual that the Golem Pope Innocent IV
               convoked the XIII ecumenical Council in the City of Lyon, in June of 1245: the same had as
               objective to decree the excommunication of the Emperor Frederick II, what was fulfilled after a
               violent speech of the Pope about the «the five sores of Christianity», from which the fifth, was
               the Emperor. It means, that, to condemn to who represented the Universal Emperor of the Pact
               of Blood, the Golem had situated in the most sacred Temple of the Cultural Pact.
                      Therefore, the crowning of Clement V had the character of a challenge settled in the
               heart of the own Enemy. And the Enemy didn’t make blind eye in such imprudent action: a
               sabotage in a platform full of people, in the moments in which passed the royal party, caused a
               decay; Philip IV and Clement V saved the life by the Will of the Gods, but other twelve Princes
               who died in the act didn’t have the same luck, while many others remained seriously injured,
               amongst them Charles de Valois, brother of the King; days later Gaillard de Got died murdered,
               brother of the Pope. Philip IV swore then to obtain Lyon for his House, what he effectively
               achieved in 1307, and to clean it from Golems. Clement V, by his part, announced that he was
               going to Bordeaux to put in order and give the Archbishopric, but he fell by surprise in Cluny,
               where he proceeded to seize from the gold; to evaluate the pain, that such recollection of the
               gold demanded five days due to its extraordinary quantity. Nevertheless, Clement V didn’t flee
               from Lyon but he returned and established his residence there, where he remained until 1309,
               year in which he moved to the walled palace of Avignon, property of the Church.
                      In  sum,  Dr.  Siegnagel,  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom  suggests  to  pay  attention  to  Lyon,
               especially in our days, because, as the Chosen People has proposed to make their voice be
               heard from Jerusalem, when the disastrous work of the Synarchy be fulfilled, the Golem has
               proposed to make their voice be heard from Lyon in that moment.
                      Logically, Clement V had to simulate some type of initial independence from the King of
               France to prevent the desperate reaction of the Golems. With that purpose feigned to be fond
               of luxuries and earthly pleasures and yet he married with the Countess of Perigord, daughter of
               the Earl of Foix, who was an Initiated Chatar that made of liaison with the Domini Canis of
               Tolosa. The exhibition of such alleged feebleness calmed, until it was too late, to the Golems.
               However, the fidelity of Clement V to the Circulus Domini Canis, and his unbreakable Honor,
               can be proved watching, not his personal behavior, but the form in which he fulfilled with the
               mission.  To  mention  just  some  of  his  most  notable  decrees  we  can  start  remembering,  for
               example, that in the year 1306 he confirmed the law of Philip IV for which, in a same day, were
               expropriated all the goods of the Jews and threatened, under penalty of execution, to abandon
               France in a very brief time. According to a bull, the Colonna’s became catholic again and they
               had to restore their titles and properties; according to other, the Church was committed to not
               perceive any louse from the Kingdom of France for the next years. By request of Philip the Fair
               his legists arranged a post morten ecclesiastic process to Boniface VIII, which counted with the

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