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animal-man behavior, i.e., the man provided with body and Created Soul. But also exists men
who possess Uncreated Spirit, although in the majority of the cases this is submersed in the
Created Soul and for this reason it is said that those men are spiritually asleep: they can also
manifest the animal astuteness due to the asleep Spirit or strategically confused is unable to
avoid it. But something very different occurs when man is effectively spiritual, what can only
be affirmed if it treats about an Initiated in the Hyperborean Wisdom: in this case his behavior
is reigned by the Honor and not only lack from astuteness but from any other animal
characteristic of the animal-man, as the cowardice, foul-mouthed, the infidelity, the lie, the
envy, the calumny, the insidiousness, the treason, etc. But what is Honor of the Hyperborean
Initiate?: the act of his Gracious Will, i.e., the act of his Eternal Spirit, which is pure Grace.
No one of the present, for example, had astuteness in their personality due to the Honor
had guided them along all their lives; and now they have demonstrated an act of the Highest
Honor when frightening with all their forces for the triumph of the Pact of Blood.
But the Golem knew this and they counted with the naivety of the Hyperborean
Initiates to defeat them; They, otherwise, were pure astuteness and their main weapon was
called deceit, pallid reflect of the Great Deceit with which God the One disguised his miserable
Creation. Since then that they would never expect an astute reaction from the Initiates, to
whom they always believed disposed to be deceived and betrayed. –«They were betrayed once,
at the Beginning»– they mocked, twisting the mouth– and will ever be betrayed. They pretend
to be roosters, and they are just stupid poultry chickens! With their Honor of another world,
sooner or later they will offer us their back; and then our daggers of this world will end with the
Honor of the Hyperborean Initiates: according to the principles of the war, the beliefs of the
Enemy are the feebleness that can be exploited in our own advantage. The Hyperborean
Initiates lacked from astuteness but they knew what the astuteness was; and they could employ
it as a strategic arm to surprise the enemy. Here is the concept that was defined in Poiteirs: if
the Golems believed that their enemies would act with Honor, and they were warned about it,
then the ingenuous would be them; then, they could be deceived by means of the astuteness,
that They didn’t expect, and guided to a mortal trap. And the Honor of the Initiates would
remain safe due to nothing in their Spirits would change neither affect their strategic
orientation towards the Origin: in the midst of a war action, the Initiates would have played
with the illusion of the Created World, they fell in the simply enchantment of the Initiates, that
could only be qualified as an exploitation of the Enemy error, something perfectly legitimate
according to the laws of the war.
If the Templars would have been attacked from all the flanks at the same time, with
security they would have defend themselves, with unpredictable results; on the contrary, if the
attack came ostensibly from the field of the King of France, while from the side of the Pope, in
whom they should trust, founded protection, they would have disregarded such flank and
would be fatally defeated: the strategic astuteness would consist in the achievement of that
trust in the Pope to make that he could give them, unarmed, to the King of France. In other
words, the Strategy would demand to mount a scene with the sufficient realism as to deceit the
Golems: at the beginning, they would not have to suspect the argument of the comedy; after
the outcome, that would not matter anymore. The main actors would be the Pope and the King
of France: the Pope would feign to proceed in good faith, but he would demonstrate to be
fearing the real reprisals; he would make promises and would try to gain the trust of the