Page 234 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 234
economic plan or rational exploitation of the national resources; in consequence, the Feudal
Lords, that had just the land as source of incomes, became impoverished more and more due to
the impairment of the fruits of the fields while they accepted as a solution that the peasants,
burdened by taxes and to whom they could not feed anymore, had to emigrate to the cities. Of
course that such subversive task was in concordance with the Golem Strategy: this one required
the destruction of the nobility and the weakening of the monarchy as a previous step for the
establishment of the theocratic World Government, which would be an anterior stage for the
Synarchy of the Chosen People. Before the Ghibelline attitude of Philip IV, the Order of the
Temple had not done more that to intensify a policy that was in the entails of its reason to
exist. However, as we see, that policy would have a surprising end.
It must be added that the antinational economy of the Templars was supplemented on
its destructive capacity with the commercial offensive launched over France by the Italian
cities. But this has another explanation. When Philip IV received the Kingdom, it was almost an
adventure to get into the paths of France to practice the commerce; the danger was that in the
journey, usually, it crossed numerous feuds whose Lords, impoverished by the aforementioned
causes, used to burden with heavy and iniquitous tributes to the goods in transit: this in the
best cases, due to the majority of them some Lord, too jealous of his rights, proceeded to
despoil the merchants from all their freights. But if this not occurred, the commerce was very
risky too, due to the accumulation of liens that were added at the end of the journey. It is not
necessary to say that the feudal Lords, apart from controlling the paths, they disposed from
own armies with which they fought amongst them and imposed their own law. Philip IV, when
he constituted the Mystic Nation, he proposed to solve this problem in first instance. In his
name, Enguerrand de Marigny gave a solution: the King should not resort more, except in case
of exterior War, to the troops of the Lords. Appeared in this way, the School of secular legists
Domin Canis, the concept of internal security defined practically in base to the hypothesis of
the internal conflict. The solution of Marigny consisted in the creation of a kind of royal
police force, the militia of the King, in charge to patrol all the paths a to give accomplishment
to the laws of the Kingdom: with them would go, later, the tax collectors. The royal troops,
usually mercenaries, soon they achieved that the Lords came into reason and in a little time the
paths, not only became safe for the commerce, but was charged a unique price in any region of
the Kingdom.
Was that situation of security and order what attracted the greediness of the foreign
merchants. The Italian cities, particularly, disposed of fleets that roamed around the world
acquiring the most varied imported and exotic articles, before which there was no possibility to
propose any competence. For this reason the French cities were flooded of imported products
that contributed day by day to destroy even more the economy of the Kingdom: while the
foreign merchants and traders were enriched, often selling contraband goods, the Kingdom had
to face the enormous expenditure that represented the military guarantee of such internal
security. Due to this the currency debased and emerged the inflation; and the artisan guilds,
incapable to compete with the foreign products, fell in misery and dragged the national
industry to the worst depression. Apart from the Templar dumping, a rigorous analysis of the
Domini Canis, demonstrated to Philip IV who were the occult guilty of such situation: the
Lombard bankers and the members of the Chosen People. The Lombard bankers financed the
Italian companies that operated in France, also to the Templar Bank. And the members of the