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P. 238
secret templar philosophy and would know their depraved customs. Is what occurred during
the three years of public process, when the amazement, the repugnance, and the horror of the
French knew no limits. Nut the most amazing was perhaps that during that lapse the Templars
continued believing that a savior act by the Pope would set them free from the condemn.
In the process was achieved to prove that the Templars professed the next ideas and
customs: I- The high dignitaries of the Order sustained that Christ, to whom they mysteriously
called Navutan, had been an impostor and not the real God; II- Christ was never crucified for
the redemption of mankind; III- The cross would not be, then, the instrument of their passion,
but a creation of the own Navutan Christ, which they named Vrune; IV- All the Knights,
whatever their grade or condition, should spit periodically such Symbol of Evil, to relief the
Creator God: therefore, was proved that at least one time, all the Templars had spited the
crucifix; V- In consequence, they refused the Holy Virgin; VI- They officiated the mass
according to an own canon and in a strange language, which later was proved that was the
Hebrew; VII- They worshipped an hermaphrodite idol of hideous factions which they referred
with the soubriquet of Baphomet or Baphoel but whose name, which they never pronounced
without go pale, was Bera; VIII- They pretended that such idol represented more powerful than
Christ, who, in contradistinction to the Messiah, was manifested more often amongst men; IX-
They affirmed that such abominable Demon imposed them, since the days of Saint Bernard,
the obligation to practice the sodomy, the vice that they had accustomed and constituted a
natural practice within the superiors of the Order; X- The Great Master, and the Great Priors or
Preceptors, realized a secret ceremony in which they offered human sacrifices to Baphomet,
specially children; XI- The ritual demanded the incineration of the victim in an oven disposed
to that purpose; XII- With the calcined ashes the Templars elaborated an human bleach, and
they conserved it in secret as the most valuable asset; XIII- they firmly believed that such lye
had the power to clean the unction of the Christian sacraments: according to what they
confessed, by that lye they had annulled the effects of the baptism and the communion, which
they considered «spells of the Cross», etc.
Since the beginning the Domini Canis decided to distinguish between «Templar» and
«Golem». In the Middle Ages was normal that in a judgment of heresy the accused ones that
confessed spontaneously, repented and accepted the Christian sacraments were acquitted; in
the process of the Templars such possibility was offered repeatedly and many of them
confessed what they knew. However, the Domini Canis were not disposed to permit that the
Golems could escape from the trap: for Them, who never had been forgiven, would be no
forgiveness; just for the «Templars», that’s to say, the non-initiated Knights in the Cult of
Baphomet, would be offered the opportunity to save their lives in turn of their testimony.
Thus, they obtained to collect an overwhelming number of proofs against the Golems
and the Order provided by their own members, confessed and repented Heretics. And then, the
process turned irreversible, due to neither the Pope noe anyone could save the Order once the
people and the Church became aware about their heresies and aberrations: the Strategy of
Philip the Fair and the Circulus Domini Canis had triumphed, now definitely, over the
plans of the White Fraternity; the Golems didn’t suspect the comedy represented by
Clement V until it was too late; the Order of the Temple, responsible to found the
Universal Synarchy, would be destroyed.