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P. 288

culmination is imminent in our days, when the Synarchy gives to their hands the totality of the
               world power.

                      When in the year 313 the Emperor Constantine the Great recognized Christianity as the
               official religion of the Roman Empire, began a difficult period for the Sacred Race. The reason
               was  that  in  the  people  recently  Christianized  predominated  the  Remembrance  of  Blood  of
               Kristos  Lucifer  over  the  Jewish  Archetype  of  Jesus  Christ,  fact  that  in  almost  every  case
               produced  a  general  Anti-Jewish  feeling.  But  finally  would  end  to  triumph  the  permanent
               influence of the «centric-geosite ray» of Jesus Christ, over the Hyperborean remembrance, and
               the  masses  would  end  Judaized,  meanwhile  the  Sacred  Race  would  be  in  danger  of  been
               exterminated. But the «threat» soon would be avoided.

                      If an effective danger really existed against the Hebrews is something that we will have
               to doubt because in the V century Saint Benedict of Nursia found the Order in which will enter,
               in mass, the «Christian» Golem, who will dedicate, since then, to mediate between the Church
               and the Synagogue.

                      According  to  what  I  informed  Days  before,  the  Tablets  of  the  Law  remained  where
               Solomon had occulted, and were recently found by the Templar Golem in Middle Ages. Those
               Tablets have been made by the Demiurge Jehovah Satan to imitate the founder action of the
               Grail.  It  is  necessary  to  inquire  then,  What  was  the  Grail,  the  metaphysical  «model»  of  the

                      Contrarily to the question of the Tablets of the Law, which forced to refer to facts of the
               History, the topic of the Grail will strictly take me to the esoteric field. But in first place it is
               convenient to clarify that the question has been badly propounded. I already clarified that the
               Grail mustn't have to be searched; I will add now that it treats of an object which is not possible
               to appropriate and that, due to this, must  be  where it  always was. It  is a mistake, then, to
               «search» the Grail and also to ask: What happened to it? But, you will wonder, how will have to
               be faced that Mystery, then, to obtain some additional knowledge, free from paradoxes? The
               only way, in my opinion, to advance in the knowledge of the Mystery consists in to fathom
               more into the analogies that link to the «guiding functions towards the Origin» of the Grail,
               external function, with the «secret paths of spiritual liberation» of the Hyperborean Wisdom,
               which are internal functions, «guiders towards the Origin».

                      In this sense can be established an analogy very meaningful between the «Stone Grail»
               of  the  Odal  Strategy  and  the  «lapis  oppositionis»  employed  in  the  path  of  the  «Strategic

                      I already explained, synthetically, that the path of the Strategic Opposition consists in
               the employment of the archemonic technique, which means, the disposition of an Archemona
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