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P. 291
Stone, ancient, violet blue colored, in which the Gods engraved a Vrunic sign of Orichalcum». It
is necessary, then, to know the provenance of the same and the reason of it construction.
I already mentioned in other opportunities that in a beginning the Gods entered to the
Solar System «by the door of Venus» and that a group of them, the «Traitor Gods» who
«associated to the Plan of the Demiurge, provoking later, in combination with this, the
catastrophe of the captive Spirits». The Hyperborean Spirits were chained to the Matter
because they fell in a cosmic ambush, the Mystery of L-ove, but I will not talk about it now. The
effect produced in the evolutive World of the Demiurge when incarcerated the confused Spirits,
is what we would call today: a collective mutation. To the evil of the imitative ordination of the
matter, made by the Demiurge, added later the evil of the mutation of his Creation and the
incarceration of the Spirits, that is to say, the modification of the Plan realized by the Traitor
Gods. And to «control» such evil Plan the Traitor Gods decided to found the White Fraternity,
in which must be organized the different devic manifestations of the Demiurge. The «command
centre» of the Power, Chang Shambhala, is also the key of the collective mutation of the seven
Realms of the nature. In effect: in which way the Demiurge maintained the stability of the
form over the Earth and how he ensured, before the mutation, that the seven Realms evolve
according to his Plan? There are two principles that intervene in the execution of the Plan, one
static and other dynamic. The Plan supports statically on the Archetypes and dynamically in
the Breath of the Solar Logos. It means that was a force coming from the Sun, physical vehicle
of the Solar Logos, which maintained the evolutive impulse of the seven Realms of the
terrestrial nature. Well: to produce any permanent alteration in the Plan of the Demiurge is
indispensable to intercept the energetic current coming from the Sun which, traversing
the ocean of prana, converges over the Earth. To comply with this condition the Traitor
Gods placed themselves since the beginning between the Sun and the Earth, in a fixed
position which never let to pass not a single ray of light, it means, not a photon, without being
previously intercepted. This affirmation could seem to be fantastic, and it really is, but more
fantastic and senseless has been the construction of Chang Shambhala, given the fact that we
have described it, is the «technical» function of the centre of the Power of the Traitors Gods.
Here is another «Secret», which is no longer such; the «location» of Chang Shambhala
will be able to be determined now starting from this data: is always placed between the Earth
and the Sun. Chang Shambhala is in reality very close to the Earth, what will give an idea of its
great size. However, it is not due to a caprice, it had to be constructed in this way due to the
requirements of its modulating function of the genetic solar plasma.
Of course, will not miss the one who foolishly say that all this is a nonsense because «the
traditions of the Tibet and India» affirm that Chang Shambhala «is a Kingdom situated in Asia,
among the mountains of Altai, the Gobi desert and the Himalayas». Undoubtedly a