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P. 320
preparing to abandon the establishments», sent his official ship «The Scratchy» at the
command of Paul Knutsson to inquire what happened. He travelled in the expedition of the
Golem Bishop Arni, who had the mission to «evangelize» the norroent colonists again: but in
Greenland they didn’t find anyone, even if Arni encourages them to explore the region inch by
inch until 1363, date in which he died. Since that moment many would be the expeditions that
the Kings of Norway would dispatch in the next hundred years to find out what happened with
his subjects and trying to dwell again the abandoned colonies: such attempts would result
worthless, because would never achieve to know what occurred to the ten thousands Vikings
nor would exist who would want to dwell in the phantasmagoric cities.
However, the action of the Vikings of Greenland would cause a great preoccupation in
the Demons of the White Fraternity, who, from their hideout of Chang Shambhala, would
impose to Quiblón the proof to close the Door of the Thule as a mean to accede to the
Highest Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. In 1486 Quiblón lived in Portugal, where he
studied the Occult Arts and performed a charge of cartographer in the Tesouraria of the King.
In such year King Christian of Denmark requested to his cousin, Alfonso V of Portugal,
«a great pilot and cartographer to guide the next expedition to Thule», which had as finality to
«localize the Christian colonies of those who were none news since more than a hundred years
ago». Was the awaited opportunity for the Rabbis: the notable influences that the Hebrews had
in the Portuguese Court in that time were utilized to facilitate the nomination of Quiblón as
pilot of the voyage to Greenland: they obtained it easily, appearing in the royal decree as
Johannes Scolvus. In 1477, due to, Quiblón was presented before the coasts of Greenland,
disposed to employ all his Science, and his faith the Creator One, to close the Door of Thule:
He had success in his mission, and the White Fraternity, and the entire Jewishness,
comprehended that with Quiblón has reached to the Earth one of the Highest Priests of
History, the one who will be capable to speak with the Verb of Metraton.
In the expedition of Scolvus of 1477, Columbus, didn’t find anyone in Greenland. But
since then the Door of Thule would be closed again. He is a great Hebrew Magician,
perhaps as great as Solomon, who reached up to the cold lands of the North to comply with
the Ritual, to pronounce the Words, to express the Gestures. Was necessary to be in that
manner because the Door was forced by a brave Viking population, of the purest Hyperborean
blood, against who nothing can do the Golems’ magic. Because always had been in this way: the
Golem had easily dominated the Celts, Iberians, Phoenicians, Ligures, Basques, Carthaginians,
and even Latin, but, in case of Germanics, it is necessary that the greatest Masters of the
infernal arts occupy of them.
I understand, Dr. Siegnagel that is almost impossible to comprehend in what consisted
the mission of Quiblón if I not clarify the nature of such «close the Door of Thule» realized in
Greenland. However, what corresponds is to explain how was opened the mentioned Door
towards K’Taagar, or Agartha, and what other action effectuated the Vikings before
leaving, war action that is normally executed by all the populations of Pure Blood in
similar situations, and that caused the worried reaction of the Demons of the White
Fratenity. So, since tomorrow, I’ll tell you in few words the history of Nimrod the Defeated, a
King of the Antiquity who knew to open the Door and hit the Enemy before leaving: its
knowledge would clarify the issue entirely.