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P. 351
children and old men; everyone fell in the act, fulminated by the penetrating sound. Thereupon
took place the penultimate great phenomenon of that glorious day.
Suddenly, as mysteriously as it was formed, the mist started to dissipate uncovering
numerous men and women who were lying on the floor or trying to stand up. But the prodigy
was that the Hamitic, in their totality, had disappeared. And the diabolic sound, the
monosyllable of He, also ceased in that moment.
The Kassites when they realized that the Hamitic were not at sight thought that they
had ran because many of them were their slaves or servants and this presumption increased
their furor. But the Hamitic had not fled: the entire community experienced the selective
effects of cannon OM which sound, conveniently tuned, has the property to produce the
teleportation. In different places, many miles away, were «found» the Hamitic shepherds when
they recovered consciousness and even if in a beginning they were cursing Nimrod and his
«magic», attributing to it the blame of their involuntarily travels, when they had news about
the luck suffered by Borsippa, they thanked their God Yah for saving them. Many awakened in
Niniveh or in Assur, but some of them in sites as distant as Ishbak, Peleg, Tadmor or Sinear.
In fact, many families delayed years in meeting again, separated by distances of two or
three hundred miles, what contributed to diffuse, in a distorted manner, the feat of Nimrod in
Middle East. By the way, in Borsippa, an archer was impressed for the black aperture in the sky
and screamed:
–Warriors, attack! Nimrod wins!
This call was yearned by the Kassite people and provoked that, one instant later, thousands of
warrior joined to the assault of Heaven.
Fifty-Fourth Day
When Nimrod and Ninurta were convinced that the sonic ray Om could not against
them, they prepared to invade the Threshold. The corridor was the enough wide as advance five
men at once, thing that they did on the run. At the head was the spectral figure of the Princess
Isa, followed by Nimrod, Ninurta and the rest of the archers, except for a dozen who remained
to guard the entrance. Such cavern, constructed with the objective to terrify the aspirant to
serve the Demiurge, had the walls covered with monstrous low-reliefs and mysterious and
impious legends. Were also lateral doors to certain «chambers» where the Demon Dolma used
to present herself in lascivious nudity, surrounded by a court of Prostitute Priestesses. She is in
charge to «guide», and «bewitch» the adepts who ignore the dangers of the sexual magic.
These and many other hallucinative traps, destined to produce confusion and submit