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P. 355
by the Hamitic lineage of YHVH. –Crack!, sounded sorrowfully the spine of Nimrod when was
–Ha, Ha, Ha, – Kokabiel laughed cynically–. It really looks good in you that name:
«Nimrod, the Defeated». Thus you will be remembered, dog Nimrod. Ha, Ha, Ha. Ahhhh!
–The Nephilim howled horribly when he realized that the knife of Jade hyad penetrated until
the hilt in his waist.
During the whole fight Nimrod had tried to nail the weapon but this slipped on
electrostatic armor with mineral precipitation that protected him. Finally, when he felt dying,
he diffused his consciousness in his blood, as the Hyperborean manner, and he let his arm be
guided by the primordial impulses. And then the hand, terribly armed, was shot directly to a
point of the Nephilim’s waist, over the liver, where a chakra vortex generated a weak point on
the armor.
Now Kokabiel was dead, and he would never live in this Universe again, such is the
mystery that the Nephilim Demons of Chang Shambhala try to hide. But Nimrod was agonizing
next to the giant corpse…
When Kokabiel fell a sudden bewilderment emerged amongst the demonic hosts.
Notwithstanding the voices of the other coward Nephilims encouraged them to fight without
retreat. The massacre was terrible and the blood had already covered great part of the
courtyard, planted with hundreds of corpses. A squadron of sappers started to burn the
adjacent corridors, and soon the Palace that, was evidently evacuated, was burning. In middle
of the confusion, some warriors seated the archer King next to the babbling fount and they saw
him smiling whereas twinkle of the ravenous tongues projected dancing shadows on his face.
They saw him talking with the spectrum of Isa as well. Some of them could even hear
clearly what they said.
–O Isa, Where have you been?
–Faraway, Brave Nimrod –responded the dead Initiate–. Enlil, the monster of fire
transported me out from the terrestrial world, to the House of his Master Shamash, the Sun. I
saw there a City of Fire, with the most infernal Demons than anyone could imagine. There were
eleven «Gods» similar to Enlil. And one of them, O Nimrod, that is impossible to be described
by any mortal without running the risk to lose the reason. The most abominable and frightful
monster that can be ever imagined in an eternity of madness. And he dwelt in Shamash! And
everything, O Nimrod, the whole existence, all what we have seen here, was alive, palpitated,
and was part of He!
But you must rejoice, O Nimrod, because neither He could do anything against the
primordial sign of HK. –Turn into a Tree! –ordered Shamash to the Dragon Enlil– and confuse
in the primordial gnosis of your fruits the primordial Sign that remember us the
–Suddenly, intrepid Nimrod, I found myself on the peak of a hawthorn tree, an Apple-
tree, a Rosebush, an Almond-tree, a tree which was all at the same time, a tree which fruits
contained the Secret of the Serpent, the Wisdom of the Creator Enlil, the Knowledge that the
Demons cares because is the inherence of the animal-men and the Chosen Peoples by He. That
tree was pending from black abysses and reached to Shamash. I began to descend and many
infernal creatures were lurking me, but all of them fled when they realized that I was carrying
the Sign. I was very worried because I had to comply with the mission to find the Path to