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P. 357

horror on his countenance, was the corpse of the Nephilim Kokabiel, who had been master of
               magicians  and  sorcerers.  His  science  had  resulted  useless  against  the  decision  of  the  pure
               Kassites and such failure demonstrated that for the man, transmuted into Man of Stone, is
               always possible to fight agains the Demons and win. Of course that such spiritual victory can
               be  also  a  defeat,  if  it  is  considered  as  «defeat»  every  victory  that  doesn’t  brings  with  it  a
               material success ascertainable with the moral guidelines of the «synarchized» societies. Because
               the moral of a society is a function of its Culture and, as it was already seen, «the Culture is a
               strategic weapon» for the Synarchy. For this reason, everyone who fights against the satanic
               forces, the awake men, will be always branded as «defeated». Because of this the Great Being
               that  illuminates  the  Inner  Path  of  men,  Kristos  Lucifer,  is  called  the  God  of  the  Losers:
               because all his followers always «lose» during the Kaly Yuga.
                      Hence, Nimrod the Defeated, was lying dead in Chang Shambhala. His brave Kassites
               had been completely exterminated in an extensive area of the Damn City, as far as his warrior
               furor  guided them. At the reverberant light of  the  last fires could  be observed the dreadful
               ossuary  in  which  the  Temples  and  courtyard  had  been  converted.  The  first  Palace,  called
               «Mansion of the Manus», where annals of the Root Races are deposited and that was used by
               the Masters of Wisdom to train their envoys, was reduced to ashes. An enormous Monastery
               and  various  shrines  dedicated  to  «minor  divinities»,  always  destined  to  train  «envoys»,  it
               means, to tactically deceive them  also suffered the  effects of the fire.  Compared with these
               important losses, the resistance offered by the Demons had been minimal. Pnly risked their
               lives the vile Kokabiel and the Chinese Master who employed the Dordje, limiting himself to
               send  legions  of  giant  Hiwa  Anakim  and  Sheidim  dwarves  against  the  Kassite’s  warriors.  As
               would be said now, they utilized a «tactical mass» composed by «robots» and «androids». Is that
               they can’t risk their lives because they are very few. Millions of years ago they were two
               hundred. Nimrod liquidated one of them… It is surely difficult to believe that so few of them be
               capable  of  so  much.  But  it  must  be  thought  that  They  have  the  «support»  of  thousands  of
               «Masters», i.e., «Initiates» animal-men, Souls of superior evolutional grade, and the strategic
               dominion of the planetary consciousness.
                      Such endless «midday» remained unchanged during the entire Battle of Nimrod and its
               approximated extension can be considered of some twelve hours. In the moment in which the
               Kassite King was agonizing and the combat in Chang Shambhala was ending, the final prodigy
               shook Borsippa. All the available warriors had risen to the Heaven, more than four thousand,
               including some visitants, and the city presented in that instant a rare aspect. With that crowd
               mainly composed by women and children that not ceased to scream, overlaying their protests
               to  the  background  warrior  music  tolled  by  the  women  cainite  Initiates.  And  that  imposing
               tower,  erected  up  to  the  Sky  in  open  defiance.  And  that  hawthorn  tree  on  its  peak,  that
               rosebush tree that symbolized the sublimation of the matter by He and the insertion in the
               Cosmic Hierarchies which supreme regent is who call himself «One». And that endless noon
               without the image of Shamash… It is true that Borsippa presented a strange aspect on its last
                      There were no slaves in Borsippa anymore; the lineage of Yah, the blood of Abraham, the
               Hamitic  shepherds,  would  be  saved.  But  neither  were  cowards  to  fell  when  the  lenticular
               silver appeared in the Sky. Everyone remained speechless of amazement when the great silver
               eye emerged from the suspicious cloud. And everyone died in their places when the atomic ray
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