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P. 361
Fifty-Fifth Day
In a very similar manner to the Kassites of King Nimrod, the Vikings of Greenland
behaved in the XIV century, Dr. Siegnagel. For this reason the Demons of Chang Shambhala
sent Quiblón there in the year 1447, to close the Gates of Thule that they had opened. After the
return to Lisbon, when he fulfilled his mission with success, Quiblón was prepared for his next
great step: sail towards the West, to the Gates of the Earthly Paradise and the
K’Taagar. To the first he should open and dissimulate to be only employed by the
members of the Chosen People and their allies, the Golems. To the second, «another
door of Thule», he should close definitely: the door of the K’Taagar, or Agartha, was
the same that the White Atlanteans reached thousands of years before marching
towards the East and which in the medieval maps appeared as «Country of Catigara»,
would be now approached inversely from the West, and its entrance sealed by means of
the Kabbalistic use of the Sephiroth. After the mission of Quiblón, Catigara would
disappear forever from the Occidental Culture. Or, what is the same, K’Taagar would
disappear: the House of Tharsis had thus borrowed time to perceive the Lytic Sign in
the Stone of Venus and departure towards the Abode of the Liberator Gods.
About the Gates of K’Taaga, located in the Extreme Occident, I’ll tell you that four
«open» doors existed in the Age of Quiblón: three in America and one in the Antarctica. From
the three Americans, Quiblón only achieved to close the Central Door, the most direct and the
one that the White Atlanteans took, which was located in the Bermuda Triangle. The one of the
North was searched later vainly by the members of the Chosen People, but it was never found,
because the Redskins, guardian Race, were in charge to dissimulate it and they protected it very
well. Analogously to the Door of the South, guarded by the Inka’s Atumurunas, who employed
the Lytic Wisdom and avoided it to be found by Golems. And the Antarctica, ignored for many
centuries by the Enemy, would be recently utilized in the XX century by the Black Order to
guide the Führer towards the Abode of the Loyal Gods to the Spirit of men.
The Duke Medinaceli, Don Luis de la Cerda, apart from being direct descendant of King
Alfonso X, the Wise, was a loyal Initiate of the White Fraternity. In his castle is staying Quiblón
in 1484, when he abandoned Portugal definitely to settle down in Spain and carry out the most
important mission of his life: receive the Verb of Megraton, the Shekhinah, and realize the
Holocaust of Water, Mem; and, with that Power, sacrifice the Three Pagan Empires that existed
beyond the Tenenebrous Sea unto YHVH. In those days, the Golems were strongly infiltrated
in the Order of St. Francis that in Huelva occupied the Sanctuary Our Lady of the Ribbon, in
Palos the Convent Our Lady of the Ribat, in Moguer the Monastery Our Lady of the
Pomegranate, etc. From these Churches they encouraged in secrecy the operation of a Masonic
Templar Lodge to which were adhered numerous laics of the andalusian nobility, within them
the Duke of Medinacelli: the Initiates of the lodge flaunted the title of «Templar Knight» and
they repeated the ancient rites of the worshipping to Baphomet of the extinguished Order in
1307. This lodge conceded to Quiblón the last intiation and prepared him esoterically to receive
the Shekhinah. He remained committed to that enterprise in the Castle of Medinacelli until