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hit the Tower of Nimrod. The developed heat was such tremendous that the sand was molten
and spouted as water. A mortal hurricane, an expansive circle of fire, departed from Brosippa
killing any living being at ten miles around.
Another tactical Atlantean weapon was employed giving fulfillment in this way to the
request that Enlil and Shamash did to the Dog of Heaven, Sirius-Zion, and that the Princess Isa
witnessed. And once consumed the attack, the lenticular silver disappeared from every physical
sight returning to the centre from where it had been projected, in Chang Shambhala.
When the smoke was cleared only the seventh part of Nimrod’s Tower was still standing;
Shamash continued his journey towards Occident and the hawthorn tree and the Gates of
Heaven not existed anymore. The nightmare had ended: The Threshold was safe to go on giving
services to the synarchic initiations and the Sons of the Midnight Sun had failed again.
Only the racial remembrance of Nimrod’s feat would remain and the calcined rest of its
Tower, just as can be seen today in the Tower of Borsippa, with the area vitrified by the nuclear
heat still adhered, after the millenniums, to its walls. And would also remain the calumnies
invented by the Hamitic shepherds and collected by Arab and Jewish traditions. In the Talmud
and in diverse rabbinic scriptures it is possible to read, conveniently altered, part of that story.
There is mentioned the Tower of Nimrod «from where his archers shot arrows to
Heaven», the «luciferian pride» of the Kassite’s King, his Tower «confused» with the one of
Babel, etc. Clay tablets engraved with cuneiform scripture had been also found, which narrate
more objectively the events, and numerous Kudurros, engraved stones that were usually placed
in Temples and as territorial limits, with references to the feat of Nimrod.
Perhaps of all the falsifications realized around this Hyperborean exploit, the most
insidious be the reference of H.P Blavatsky in the Secret Doctrine, where is written that an
«elite of Assyrian-Babylonian priests discovered the manner to escape from the Evolution Plan
of the Solar Logos and abandoned the Planetary Concatenation, with their population, towards
the ‘stars’, where they continue their evolution». It means that the aforementioned agent of
the Synarchy pretends to capitalize the feat of Nimrod in favor of the synarchic theories.
The rest of the Kassite’s people continued dominating for a while but finally they
merged with their Hittites cousins due to, it has been already said, «a Race that loses its
Cainites Initiates is a moribund Race» and, with Nimrod, had departure forever the Elite of
Cainites Initiates. Hpwever the Hittite’s expansion took them to dwell in Borsippa again, which
was re-constructed in part, but no one dared to touch the ruins of the terrible Tower.
In Chang Shambhala the History of Nimrod is always present and with the objective to
prevent future attempts of this type is that many «envoys» have been occupied for centuries to
eliminate the proofs and to confuse about the tactical methodology employed in the attack.
Bera and Birsha have been two of the Immortals of the White Fraternity that have
worked more in this sense. Nevertheless many Hyperobrean populations imitated, in major or
lesser measure, the exploit of Nimrod; one of them was the Viking people of Greenland that
«opened the Gates» closed then by Quiblón-Columbus. Another, more recently, was the German
people of the Third Reich who counted with the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Elite of Cainites
Initiates of the Black Order the Führer of Germany could then, with perspectives of
success, undertake the collective mutation of the Race again and try the conquest of Heaven.
But the results of this new Hyperborean exploit will surely appear, to whom are