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P. 363
expression of the Metatron Child, a Reflect Aspect of Kether, the Crown of the One.
The Major Leader of the Golems is Friar Juan Pérez, superior of the Covent Our Lady of
La Rábida and Supreme Priest of the Order of Melchizedek. He is aided in the Ritual by, the
laics, the Templar Knights, Pedro Velzco and García Fernández, as well as the Franciscan
Antonio de Marchena. The 2 juanary of 1492 Abu ‘Abdallah Muhammad XII gives Granada to
Ferninand and Isabella; then, the Domini Canis Archbishop Hernando de Talavera demanded
the conversion to Christianity to the Heretics, Arabs and Jews: otherwise they shall abandon
Spain; fifteen days later, in La Rábida, is fulfilled the prophecy of Bera and Birsha.
Quiblón, wearing the Franciscan habit, is located before the magnificent sculpture of the
Miraculous: such work is usually attributed to the apostle St. Luke but really, as was
apprecisated in the Thirtieth Day, it was carved by a Templar monk in the XIII century. The
Golems had recently officiated the Ritual and the Great Sacrificer has received the
Shekhinah. Quiblón felt as possessed by the Universal Soul of YHVH and he fell to his knees
before the image of the Mother of God, to whom he sees as though it be living and whose
boundless Love as comsuming his heart. A prodigy occurred and the Pomegranate of his
Crosier began to bleed; but Quiblón didn’t notice it: instead he heard the Great Mother Binah
speaking in the most pure Hebrew:
–Holy Quiblón, Great Sacrificer,
Son of the Elder of Elders
His creative verb is in thy Holy Voice!
The Seminal Logos of the Father
Is in the Reasoning of thy Mind;
But the sweet Love of the Mother
Burneth thine Heart with Passion.
I am Binah, Mother of the Messiah,
I am Binah, Mother of Metatron.
I am Binah, the Intelligence of God.
I am who shall guide thy way
In the dark Sea of the Terror.
Who will be capable to stop thee,