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P. 362

1486, date in which the same Duke announced to the Catholic Kings the presence of the man
               who will discover for Spain the extensive and rich countries of the West.
                      The  sovereigns  are  dedicated  to  complete  the  Re-conquest  and  that  will  cause,
               inevitably, that soon or later fall of Granada in Christians hands: that would be the awaited
               sign by Quiblón. Then he will receive the Verb Metatron and his Power will be incomparable.
                      Until that moment he will act as a humble explorer, only willing to serve the Kingdom;
               after the fall of Granada, just as Bera and Birsha prophesied it, his voice will be the Voice of
               YHVH and his ambitions will go parallel to his Power; and nobody, neither the Kings, could
               resist the requests of who will travel to the Gates of the Earthly Paradise. But it is necessary to
               know  beforehand  the  plans  of  Quiblón,  familiarize  the  Kings  and  the  court  with  the  future
               Admiral of the Ocean. And is for this reason in 1486 the Golems arranged the first meeting of
               Quiblón with King Ferndinand and Queen Isabella, who were in Cordoba in that moment.
                      As is logic the Domini Canis also integrated the Court and were disposed to stop any
               Jew or converted attempting to propose a plan with the purpose of «Glory and the Victory of
               the Chosen People», or the «Triple Holocaust of some unknown populations to Jehovah Satan».
                      Captain  Kiev,  the  Lord  of  Venus,  had  revealed  180  years  before  that  would  be
               announced by a Hebrew «Quiblón», who will be difficult to stop. So, the Domini Canis were
               alert, but they ignored completely that the Power of Quiblón would be manifested at the end,
               after the symbolic fall of Granada. And in consequence they not suspected that Columbus, and
               insignificant  and  hallucinated  man,  could  be  Quiblón,  the  Highest  Representative  of  the
               Potencies  of  the  Matter.  Anyhow,  Friar  Hernando  de  Talavera,  the  Domini  Canis  that  the
               Kings  named  to  study  the  exploration  proposal  of  Columbus,  gave  an  adverse  ruling  and
               attempted to discredit the visionary envoy of the Golems.
                      Nevertheless  the  Court  was  infested  by  Golems  or  Templar  Knights,  who  supported
               Columbus for years: the Cardinal Pedro González de Mendoza; the Treasurer of the Kingdom,
               Don Alfonso de Quintallana; the Dominican preceptor of the Prince Don Juan, Friar Diego the
               Daza; the Sumiller the Corps, Don Juan Cabrero; the Comendador Don Gutierrez de Cárdenas;
               the Franciscan astronomer Friar Antonio de Marchena; etc. And, with the most effective help
               of: Luis Santangel, the finance minister of the Aragonese Crown, some secretary of the King of
               Aragon; who was a powerful banker and belonged to a Hebrew family recently converted to
               Christianity. This sinister personage, along with a group of Jewish bankers of Genoa, would be
               financier of Columbus expedition in 1492: he would offer a loan of a million maravedíes at such
               low  interest,  1,5  %,  which  practically  would  decide  the  Queen  to  authorize  the  voyage  of
                      In 1491 the Kings were before Granada, in a huge vivouac that will give place to the
               population of Santa Fe. Until there reached Columbus, yearning to contemplate the capture of
               Granada and undertake his mission. However would be Friar Hernando de Talavera once again,
               who would frustrate his plans and prevent his meeting with the Majesties. But the fall of the
               city is very near and Quiblón senses the manifestation of YHVH. He goes, then, directly to the
               Convent of La Rábida, in Rus Baal, a place consecrated to the Great Mother Binah: he waits to
               the Love of the Goddess, the Virgin of Miracles, to aid him in the imminence on the happening
               of Destiny. And in La Rábida is waiting him the Golems’ major staff to performance the Ritual
               of the Sepher Iche, the Ceremony that permits to the Intelligence of Binah the deposit of the
               Earthen Seed of the Archetypical man: except that this time the Love of Binah will facilitate the

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