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P. 375
the Men of Stone, the Uncreated Spirits; and the mind directed then to the Cerro Char, before
the Stone Countenance of Pyrene, in the Age in which the Mystery of the Cold Fire was
officiated freely and where the Chosen Ones concurred from all the places of the World to die
or find the Naked Truth of Themselves; the White Fraternity, the Order of Melchizedek, the
Swarthy Atlanteans, the Priests of all the Cults, the Golems, the Immortals Bera and Birsha, the
Templars, the Members of the Chosen People, the followers of the Universal Synarchy,
Servants of the Potencies of the Matter, Worshippers of Jehovah Satan, Terrible Enemies of
the House of Tharsis: They pursued them for millenniums, caused the destruction of Tharshish
and the public disappearance of the Mystery of the Cold Fire, attempting to extinguish the
Lineage of Tharsis and hide the Hyperborean Wisdom, and they tried by every means to seize
from the Wise Sword and the Stone of Venus; and the mind was floating in the act to the Secret
Cavern, and appreciated proudly the silent sacrifice of tens of Noyos and Vrayas guarding the
Wise Sword, purifying the Blood and awating with the patience of the hunter the Lytic Sign of
the K’Taagar, the racial call that authorized to go towards the Abode of the Loyal Gods to the
Spirit of Men; now the Lord of Tharsis could realize the journey yearned since millenniums ago
if they wanted to: a Noyo, the Greatest of All, Lito of Tharsis, had seen the Sign and he knew the
Secret of the Return; but the Lords of Tharsis didn’t leave yet; they would still wait
more time, an instant of the History, until the Final Battle; Captain Kiev, a Lord of
Venus, communicated that Navutan, the Lord of the War, considered their World as the most
Real of all the possible Worlds: and in that World, in this World, they would contribute to be
realize the last Battle of the Essential War, beside their Envoy, the Great White Chief, the Lord
of the Absolute Will and Courage; and there were going the Lords of Tharsis, towards a
megalithic liberated area by the Hyperborean Wisdom of the White Atlanteans, a place
where they would resist with the Wise Sword until the days of the Final Battle; and the mind
was returning, thus, nourished with Determination and Courage, to the Men of Stone that
were fading away from the Spanish coast in a frigate from the fleet of the Welser’s.
Fifty-Seventh Day
Once they interned into the Sea, the ships of Gerog de Spira and Nicoluas Federmann
were caught in terrible storms; it seemed as if the entire nature, as though the own Creator,
would have proposed to sink such fleet. Finally, a miracle, and not the lesser miraculous
expertise of the captains, prevented the wreck and made possible to dock it in the Canary
Islands, were they waited for better winds to complete the voyage. Already in Coro, Spira,
whose ambition for gold was parallel with his courage without limits, organized an improvised
expedition of four hundred men and departure immediately towards the South of the Lake
Maracaibo, place in which some local legends situated an extremely rich, and unexistant, city.
He left his General Lieutenant with the assignment of travelling to Santo Domingo to
bring what was missing catch him later in the mountains of Carora. But Nicolaus Federmann,
who was allied with the Lords of Tharsis, far of complying with these orders he also disposed to