Page 476 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 476

When I passed through Fuerte Quemado, I could not avoid imagining that in such site
               encamped Diego de Rojas four centuries ago, when he marched chasing Lito de Tharsis. He not
               achieved to localize the Pucará de Tharsy, even if he remained in Tafí del Valle for months. But,
               would I make it? I believed so; that the indications of Belicena Villca were very precise and I’d
               achieve  to  reach  until  the  Chacra;  and  that  I’d  meet  with  the  Indian  Segundo,  the  offbeat
               descendant of the People of the Moon. And the optimism didn’t abandon me when I arrived to
               Santa María.

                      When I crossed the bridge over the River Santa María, I watched the clock: 7:30 in the
               afternoon. I had delayed five hours from Cafayate and dusk was falling. Even for my impatience
               to reach  as soon  as possible to the  house of Uncle  Kurt, I had decided to wait the night to
               comply with the promises that I made to my Mother in regard to the prudency and security.

                      I  stopped  the  car  in  front  of  other  house  of  regional  articles  to  acquire  the  famous
               products of the zone: the cayenne, the arrope (concentrate grape), the raisins and the wine.

                      After that I paid I amused inquiring the vendor about the street Fray Mamerto Esquiú.
               Thus I knew that it goes from East to West, ending in the River Santa María, which is one of the
               peripheral limits of the city and it goes from North to South.

                      –The number 95 –I thought– must be nearby the River, perhaps in the last square.

                      –Are you looking for someone in the street Esquiú?

                      Maybe I can help you –surprised me the salesman with his question. Oh, the small-town
               curiosity! But I did not let me impress.

                      –Yes, I’m looking for a pocho’s saleswoman –I lied–. In Salta gave me the approximate
               address because they didn’t remember with exactitude.

                      –A poncho’s saleswoman in the street Esquiú? Mmm… No, unfortunately I do not know
               any poncho’s saleswoman who lives in the street Esquiú… But, tell me, What type of ponchos
               are you searching? I have a nice selection. And at good price…

                      A moment later I went out with my original purchase and with a poncho of Catamarca
               with Inca guard.

                      I  chose  to  have  dinner  a  second-class  restaurant  but,  according  to  what  vendor  of
               regional products said, prepared the best rabbit stew of the valley Yocavil. Once I positioned
               myself in a secluded table, I  realized  about the right  election, because  this was a place very
               visited by salesmen and travellers of commerce in which to one surprised the presence of a

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