Page 472 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 472

On the other hand, it should be noticed that the syncretisms are fulfilled when men
               have lost the capacity to perceive the Myth in all its symbolic purity. This loss is a grave injury
               in the capacity of the metaphysical thinking and of the metaphysical perception, analogous, if it
               is desired, to a loss of vision or blindness. By analogy it is talked about the Dark Age of Era of
               Obscurity: to loss the vision, is the same to «see» all black.

                      There  are  texts  about  occultist  Doctrine  that  seems  to  possess  philosophical  and
               scientific foundation: but there are also falsifications of the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, so
               perfect that resist to the exam of prestigious experts. And it is logic, in any of each cases, the
               quality of the fraud depends of the ability of the forger. In the esoteric case, unfortunately, the
               forgers have reached a high grade of dexterity: there are some very well «prepared» for their
               mission,  owners  of  a  great  «general  Culture».  Let’s  take,  for  example,  «esoteric»  writings  of
               «wise» and «erudite» authors as H. P. Blavatski, Rudolph Steiner, René Guenon, Max Heindel,
               etc., and let’s compare the farrago of theosophy that sustains any of them with the elemental
               simplicity  of  the  metaphysical  symbols  of  the  Ancient  Wisdom;  what  emerges  in  this
               comparison? That we can’t read a symbol (see its reality) but we can read a book about the
               symbol, that will reveal us the sense of the same, but it will entertain us with descriptions and
               multiple associations, susceptible of rational interpretation, that will create us the illusion of a
               comprehension and a progress, just as it benefits to the Synarchy.

                      «There  is  a  sensorial  daltonism  and  a  gnoseologic  daltonism»,  wrote  once  the
               great  epistemologist  Luciano  Allende  Lezama.    It  can  be  added  that  «also  exists  a  semiotic
               daltonism»: is the one that suffers those who can’t see the truth of a symbol and that must be
               healed previously to the quest of an «Occult Knowledge». To not be deceived. To not be used by
               the Synarchy.

                      Without  a  clear  vision  of  the  symbolic  and  an  adequate  moral  discernment,  it  is
               impossible to accede to the knowledge of the Hyperborean Wisdom, which, in other part, is not
               in the Exoteric Schools. The lack  of these virtues, or, the contempt  for the same, takes the
               daltonic-adept  to  the  search  for  the  «phenomenons»  and  the  Power,  to  follow  «oriental»
               disciplines without understand them or to yield to the fascination of «scientific investigations»
               in parapsychology (Kirlian photography, psychobioenergetic, and other hoaxes).

                      The  danger  is  that  in  those  «Occult»  Schools  (with  Juridical  Personality,  Corporate
               Name and telephone) don’t hesitate to promise, to people of doubtful spiritual capacity, but
               useful to their plans, every kind of Powers and «liberator experiences». Of course: the progress
               will come «later», after some «Initiations», «Progressing» in the «internal grades».

                      «It doesn’t help a poor –says C.G. Jung– putting in his hand alms more or less

               high, even though it is desired thus. It is much more helpful, when we signalize him

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