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P. 469
eclectically in an alleged «Occult Doctrine» (which is only thus, for the impossibility to «unveil»
any Truth on it). The Great Mysteries of the Antiquity (Persia, India, Greece, etc.) have left a
sediment of Myths and Sacred Symbols –with more frequency opposed rather than coincident–
that only a mediocre and malicious Soul (a rascal, come on!) would try to unify in a modern
It will be adverted that, during such journey to Santa María, a feeling of ferocious
cultural criticism had been installed in my heart and it threatened with fractionate and
amputate definitively the last remains of the rationalism that I still possessed. I felt empty
inside, but I was willing to accept a Truth to replace all the «useless information» encyclopaedia
that I had assimilated in many years of study. ¿What value had such pompous academic
knowledge if it didn’t serve me to face and resolve mysterious situations that I’ve narrated,
situations that involved me metaphysically? None. I was then, willing to disembarrass myself
from such ballast to receive the coveted Truth. A Truth that consisted, and I had never been so
secure before about a reality of a thing as this statement, in the Hyperborean Wisdom. In
effect: for me, now, the Truth was the Hyperborean Wisdom, whose attainments I scarcely
perceived in the letter of Belicena Villca.
For some moments a deaf anger invaded me, which was at the same time a personal
reproach, a kind of claim of my actual Self, strangely transmuted, was realizing relentlessly to
the Dr. Arturo Siegnagel of the years of the quest, to my past Self, that so ingeniously had
believed that the progress was a logic consequence of the education. In a moment I had
accepted, almost without thinking, that a law of evolution permitted to Soul to be expanded
starting from some guidelines of the life. I believed that «to follow determined rules of moral
rectitude» and to face the life with a positive criterion would redound inevitably in an interior
good. –Yes. That was the key for the progress. I would live according to a «transcendental
philosophy», I’d adopt a religious «way of life», as the Orientals, and, in the becoming of the
quest, of the instruction, of the asceticism, the progress, inevitably, would come by
«evolution»–. That had been my election and now, at comprehending that all the reasoning
was mistaken, that nothing I had gain after many years of disciplining and worthless sacrifices,
I felt how the anger was invading me and how, also, an impotent reproach was drawing out
from me desolated groans.
And that all the reasoning was wrong was derived clearly from the letter of Belicena
Villca. The law of evolution existed and reigned, and facilitated, the progress of the created
Soul, and of every created entity, according to the Plan of the Creator God. But that law had
nothing to do with it, and none «progress» would be obtained by its intervention, with the
Uncreated Spirit. I remembered with horror the words of the Immortal Birsha: «the Soul of
the earthen man, created after the Beginning, started to evolve towards the Final