Page 465 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 465

It was without doubts an intuition. When the meeting with Professor Ramirez ended
               and the wise man mentioned that almost all the documents about the Druids had been looted
               in Europe by the    , I thought for myself  –To whom I could ask about the Black Order and
               their interest for the Druids?   –In that moment it came to my mind the remembrance of such
               night in my childhood. No logic relation that permits the association of both things. Nothing
               rational. If I would have thought about it for one minute I’d surely rejected this supposition for
               being absurd. But the recent events made me distrust from the  «reason» and was then when,
               following a hunch, I asked to my mother what had happened that night 33 years ago. And there
               was the key! Inexplicably, unreasonably, there was a relation; because I wanted to know about

               the    and my uncle, about whom I did not know his existence, had been German military. And
               of the   !

                      I  renounced  to  search  any  explanation  and  I  concentrated  in  the  night  of  the  21  of
               January, when the narrated phenomenos occurred. Thenceforth, as I already said, I felt reborn,
               and if I though on it was only with the objective to analyse the form in which two events of
               different order, my mystic experience, and telluric movement, were connected. Because for me
               there  were  no  doubts  that  a  non-causal  relation,  and  synchronistical,  existed  between  both
               phenomenons. Which was similar to the case of the murder of Belicena Villca, when the killer,
               in an act of demential pride, leaves the the irrefutable proofs of a terrible Power.

                      In  January  21,  the  Matter,  exalted  to  me,  explodes  in  a  seism  of  singular  violence
               synchronously with a mystical experience in which both  events were confused impressively,
               giving the sensation to be causally linked. If I would have believe it thus, I’d feel tempted to
               think that my own psyche released the «seismic phenomenon» and that would be the moral
               defeat of my Spirit.

                      This is just what Someone, the Author of the seism, wanted to make me believe, to stray
               me. And this colossal ambush is another demonstration of infernal arrogance and pride.

                      The temptation to «dominate the phenomenons» is one of the primary errors in which
               fall those who try to break through the Spiritual path. The only phenomenos that really matter
               for a spiritual elevation are those that occur personal and qualitatively, not transferable nor
               communicable.  The  concrete  phenomenons,  of  collective  perception,  carry  the  seal  of  the
               quantitative and material; the doubtful, otherwise, that can be produced by an act of will.

                      About this, the not specialized people is victim of an information intentionally confuse.

                      But I, in my quality of psychiatrist, I was familiarized with every kind of phenomenic
               acts  psychological  pathologies  or  hysterical  crisis.  In  the  Neuropsychiatric  Hospitals  is
               common, but obviously poor publicized, the manifestation of phenomenons of this type. It can

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