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P. 460
entered in some especial division of the , but, for what I am aware, he never fought. His
function was related to the Exterior Service because he spent almost all the war in Asia. And
that’s all. In 1945 he was presumed officially dead because his destiny, it was said, was Berlin in
the month of April, when that city fell in hands of the Russians. His corpse was «found» in a
charred plane that was not able to take off due to it received a Russian shot of ordnance.
We were notified –continued my Mother– about his dead and many cried him until that
in 1947, surprisingly, he made himself present here. The rest I’ve already told you; he was aided
by the Kameraden and with a new identification he was prepared to begin «another life» in
Argentina. According to what he said in that opportunity, it was preferable to disappear
forever because if the allies suspected about his existence they would not delay to search him. I
think that it a decision that we must respect, don’t you think so? –She was looking at me
hopeful in that my «curiosity» be satisfied.
I decided to go on interrogating before her reaction.
–Yes Mom, I comprehend it and I appreciate what you have told me, but is missing the
main thing. Where is my uncle now? –I shot it and it seemed as if the question would provoke
her swoon.
–Arturo, my son, you are adult and smart, why do you ask what the prudence counsels
not to know? He is fine; nobody has troubled him in all these years and it’d be desirable that no
one do it before his near death. –Something passed through her mind and she stood at me
open-mouthed –. You are not thinking to go and see him? Oh no!
You must take out that idea from your head. He has lived 35 years in same site and
everybody knows him by his new personality. It’d be awkward to put in danger such coverage
for a caprice; it is important for me to talk with him to obtain some information that is possible
that he possesses and that is as vital for me as the pure air that I breathe. About the security
you don’t have to worry, in what can affect him the visit of a stranger for just one time in life?
There are thousands of justificative reasons to receive a guest that then he’d never see again.
Because that is what I’ll do, Mom, I swear! Once I ask him what I want to know I will
leave and I’ll never return –I was trying to convince her with any argument and she,
hesitating, looked to the vineyards as searching the protection of my father.
–Come on Mom, tell me where is he. I’ve the right to see my uncle once in my life.
Finally she was decided although showing great contrariness, and while she was
speaking, far to rejoice for my persuasiveness, I accursed internally the pain that I’ve caused her
and the anguish that undoubtedly would produce this confidence; at least until the return from