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P. 466
be observed, in certain cases, parapsychological phenomenons occurred in relation with one or
many patients. These phenomenons, very attractive for the profane, that not counts with
adequate scientific foundation and this fact is the main reason of its concealment. Are usually
of very different typology: elevation of an object without any evident force that sustains it
(levitation), displacement of objects (telekinesis) brightness increment in the cell of the
patient or change in the tone of the colours (chromation), apparition of unknown objects or
disappearance of others (matter addition), etc.
It is unnecessary to say that all these phenomenons are susceptible of collective
verification when they are presented, but completely unrepeatable in conditions of study or
laboratory. This occurs mainly because the «responsible» of such phenomenons are completely
mad and generally unconscious about the alterations that they produce.
What turns incomprehensible such phenomenons, is its apparent contradiction to the
natural laws, but it is usually admitted in academic and scientific means that a better
«comprehension of the nature» (this is: a major progress of the Science) will bring, the solution
to these queries. It is trusted then in that «the Science» will give the solutions to the
contradictions of «the Science», proposition that is logically inconsistent and sounds at least
The core of the theme is that in phenomenons as the mentioned telekinesis, present
failures to the law of the causality. This law says that «to every effect (phenomenon)
corresponds a cause that originates it». In the telekinesis for example the object moves as if
would be acting a «remote action force» (of the type of the gravity or the magnetism) but
without, until today, be identifed the action of some force. That’s to say, «it moves as if a force
is acting» but none force is acting. It is said then that «the law of causality fails» because the
effect has none causes to originate it and, consequently, the existence of the effect is denied
(phenomenon) to «save» the law of causality.
The rightest would be to accept that the linkage in unknown (the law) that unites cause
(phenomenon) and effect (the displaced object).
In the Analytic Psychology, developed by C.G. Jung, a very attractive theory has been
rehearsed to save these difficulties and those that are originate from the common case that the
men who, being separated cultural, geographic, and temporarily, without any ascertainable
linkage between them, have identic or analogous ideas. Here would act a «Principle of
Synchronicity» unknown by the Science, due to its wrong comprehension of Time.
It is convenient to remember, in this regard, what C.G. Jung says in «The Secret of the
Golden Flower»: «Some years ago, the then president of the British Anthropological