Page 574 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 574

–Well, I think so. Isn’t the one that consists in which each hunter must collect a piece of
               a determined speices? As a game, in which a hunter must chase, for example, a hare, the other a
               rabbit, and a third a pheasant, the fourth a turkey, etc?

                      –Exactly, Kurt –confirmed Tarstein–. Then listen to this, and keep it weel in your mind:
               analogously to the hunting by species, within the hunters of the Synarchy, the Druids are
               in charge to collect pieces of your species.

                      I stayed looking at him wihout understanding; or without wanting to. He repeated:

                      –…of your species, Kurt von Sübermann.

                      I would not know to say what resulted more astounding to me, if the story that Tarstein
               had  related, undoubtedly true, or to  know that I was in front  of  an  Earl, a Noble of a very
               ancient Lineage: for his citizen appearance, for his humble and chivalrous treatment, for his
               costume  of  questionable  quality,  I  would  have  hardily  suspected  it.  I  was  inheriteting  a
               nobiliary  title  as  well;  however  something  interior,  an  inexplicable  intuition,  was  telling  me
               that his Bloor was Purer, that his Lineage was the older, that his nobility was superior to mine.
               Of his advisement, about the peril of the Druids, of course, I ignored it.

                      Before leaving he took some typewritten sheets from the shelves of documents and gave
               them to me. «These are –he said me– the transcription of the article ‘Druidism’ of the Brisith
               Ecyclopedia:  read  them;  that  will  refresh  your  memory».  He  locked  the  door  of  the  Druidic
               library and we returned to the kitchen.

                      I was drinking another cup of coffee, confused for the revelations of Trastein, when he,
               who had left one moment before, came back.

                      –I went to my studio to bring this manuscript –he showed me a book, skilfully bound,
               and  handwritten  with  exquisite  Gothic  characters–.  Its  title  is  «Secret  History  of
               Thulegesselschaft».  I  wrote  it  emplying  knowledges  which  are  completely  secret  and  that  in
               Germany  only  a  few  Initiates  know  in  part.  You  will  be  able  to  read  it  afterwards,  but  you
               musn’t  take  it  out  from  this  house  because  is  the  only  copy  that  exists  and  the  secrets
               contained there could change the politic organization of the Planet if they fall in the hans of
               the  Enemy.  Here  is  explained,  for  example,  how  did  the  Initiates  of  the  Order  Einherjar  to
               determine that Adolf Hitler was the Führer of the White Race and how they guided him to the
               Power; and the intermediary Orders which they had to found, as the Germaneorden and the
               Thulegesselsachaft,  till  reaching  to  the  Order  possessor  of  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom  on  its

               Highest Grade, i.e., the Black Order   .

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