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P. 572

sustenance and perdurability of the Order demanded that its members be always from eight
               chosen bloodlines amongst the Lineages of the Purest Blood of Europe. The case was that one
               of the convoked Princes by the Pontiff belonged to my family, whereas the other came from the
               House of Branderburgo, from a collateral lineage of the Hohenzollern. The Order worked in
               secrecy during the next centuries, forming Hyperborean Initiates and awating the time of the
               arrival of the Great Chief of the White Race. The most important base of action was constituted

               by the margraviato of Branderburgo, which was since the XII century a hereditary princedom
               feudalized with the Emperor. And precisely, the presence of the Order is not strange to the
               posterior ascent of the House of Branderburg above the rest princedoms of Europe, until the
               obtention  of  the  King’s  investiture  reached  by  Frederick  William  III  in  1791.  Then  borns
               Prussia, the State where the national rector principle was the honour, where the family was
               organized around the authoritary and exemplary figure of the father, where the order prevailed
               in  all  the  social  classes,  nobility,  bourgeoisie  and  peasantry,  because  it  was  affirmed  in  the
               notions strongly ingrained on the line of duty, the saving, of the inconditional obedience of the
               subaltern,  in  the  entire  subordination  of  the  functionaries,  and  in  the  most  rigid  military

                      But, overall, Prussia was since the beginning a military State: two-thirds of its budget
               was  dedicated  to  the  support  of  powerful  national  army  that  infringed  defeats  to  France,
               Austria, Russia, etc., and impulsed respect and admiration for the austere and lordly Prussian
               «way of life». And with the art of the war, there was cultivated the philosophy, the literature,
               the music. But nothing  in this revolution  occurred  accidentally: the Oder was training, in a
               society of Pure Blood, the New Order that the Führer, in his next coming, would apply to all
               Germany  and  the  World.  Is  for  this  reason  that  the  Führer  has  never  hidden  his  debt  with
               Prussia and he has made public his sympathy for Frederick II of Prussia and Bismarck, the Iron

                      Well, Kurt: the ancient Order Einherjar was so strengthened in the XIX century, that one
               of  its  Initiates  reached  to  be  corwned  King  of  Prussia  in  1840.  I  am  reffering  to  Frederick
               William IV, called courteously «Damian of Brandeburg» due to his love for the Eloquence and in
               memory  of  the  famous  rhetorician  Ephesus.  Was  the  same  King  that  reconstructed  the
               Marienburg, the castle which served as residence in the Middle Ages to the Great Masters of
               the Teutonic Order; this restauration work, as you will know, is prosecuted in nowadays by a
               special division of the   , obeying direct orders of the Reichführer Himmler. Ans was this
               same King who, considering that the old danger had yielded, and that the Demons could not
               prevent anymore that the New Order be imposed in the World, athorized the creation of the
               surname Tharstein or Tarstein¸contraction of Tharsisstein, accompanied the nobiliary title
               of Earl and the right to exhibit in the Castle of the House the familiar armorial shield. The
               Castle of Tarstein is located very near from here, Kurt, at some 100 km. from Berlin, but I do

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