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P. 568

reason I hesitated to give my personal data, attitude that Tarstein interpreted erroneously as
               product of the fear.

                      –Don’t  be  afraid  –said  Tarstein–  the  books  of  the  Order  could  be  never  found.  I  can
               assure you, Herr von Sübermann, that never has occurred an important filtration about the
               details of the Cult or the identity of our members. We have suffered desertions and some minor
               betrayal, but always in the superficial levels of the Order, and by people who not possessed a
               very precise knowledge of the internal organization.

                      –Do you receive many aspirants Mr. Tarstein? –I asked.

                      Konrad Tarstein lifted the sight from the sheet and observed me some large minutes
               with curiosity. Finally, as if I’d have noticed a forgetfulness or omission, he took a hand up to
               his brow while his countenance went illuminated with a smile.

                      –The circumspection of Rudolph Hess! –He said thinking aloud–. His eternal and timid
               circumspection.  I  must  have  supposed  that  you  would  not  be  warned  that  this  interview
               doesn’e form part of any regular practice in the Thulegesellschaft.Tell me Kurt von Sübermann,
               What information received Rudolph Hess to reach here?

                      I responded him in a complete form about all what I knew about the Thulegesellschaft:
               what  Rudolph  Hess  had  said  in  our  conversation  in  the  Chancellery,  the  night  of  the
               graduation, and the reference of a «contact» in Berlin, Konrad Tarstein, exposed in his letter

               that reached to my hands though the     Oberführer Papp.

                       While I was talking a doubt that an unexpected misunderstanding would have occurred
               assaulted  me,  provoked  by  some  mistake  committed  by  me  in  the  interpretation  of  the
               instructions. But as much as reflected I didn’t find any motive that could have produced the
               surprise  of  Tarstein  before  my  question  about  the  reception  of  other  aspirants  to  the
               Thulegesellschaft. Or is that, effectively, never came other aspirants to the Gregorstrasse 239?
               Finally, Konrad Tarstein confirmed me this a few minutes later. He approved with a gesture of
               his bald head everything what I said and, after that he kept the sheet in a leather briefcase, he
               invited me to pass to an interior ambient of the enormous barn.

                      The hall where we were was connected with the door of the street through a passage
               from the small hall. At the right was a stair of fine polished wood and carpeted, which, through
               a  ninety  degree  bend,  guided  to  the  superior  floor  and  continued  in  the  railing,  which  was
               extended sideways along a passage, perfectly visible from below. Towards the front of the hall
               two big doors of huge carved wooden frames opened. Taking the right door we acceded, with
               Tarstein, to an open courtyard, surrounded by galleries with small colummns beneath nomarn
               archs, in each one of them enormous gates opened. Following the gallery of the left side, we

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