Page 564 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 564

because in our conviction the hand of the Enemy must have intervened, the Power of Illusion
               of the White Fraternity. We were credulous and selfish, and we must not expect the forgiveness
               of the Gods because they are not judges. In reality, we’re obeyed by ourselfs, by our honour…

                      Until today, neffe, I lived assuming the role of victim, affirming with intransigence that
               nothing could be done against the Synarchy except to wait for the Final Battle, the End of the
               World, the Apocalypse, a Divine intervention. And this I said with irony, without believing that
               the  Parousia  would  occur,  that  I  would  reach  to  see  it.  And  in  my  disdain,  and  in  the
               indifference of many others who perhaps acted just like me, we condem to the ignorance to
               whom with security shall participate in the Esential War, in the Final Battle of the Essential
               War.  O  Gods,  how  fools  we  have  been!  I  not  understood  it  until  now,  until  you  came  and
               exposed  your  predestined  life,  until  you  related  me  the  years  of  quest  and  showed  me  the
               impossibility to find the Truth in some part: How many blind paths you might have saved if
               you would have known me before! To me, to Oskar, or any of those who knew the Truth! O,
               Arturo what have we done?! We saved our miserable lifes but at the cost to lose our honour, to
               abandon the young men to their own forces, to permit that they be corrupted and destroyed by
               the Enemy…

                      –But Uncle Kurt –I said trying to calm him– you received the order of Captain Kiev: you
               had to remain hidden for strategic motives, perhaps waiting for the letter of Belicena Villca. It
               is possible that others    have acted egoistically, as you say, but I find very significative your
               story, mine, and Belicena Villca. I see all too synchronized, too coincident, and I think that the
               Gods  had  it  calculated  beforehand.  Then  you  musn’t  embitter  in  vain:  thing  will  have  their
               sense, if we comply with the request of Belicena Villca and find his son and the Wise Sword, if
               we show her letter to Nimrod de Rosario and we ingress in the Order of Wise Constructors.

                      –Maybe you’re right. But I have verified my error and nothing will prevent me to pay the
               debt of honour that I owe to those who came after me. The debt is with you, Arturo, I know!
               And for this reason I am disposed to to die if it is necessary; to die with honour, as an officer of
               the     dies. Yes Arturo, consider it as a oath: I’ll protect you from the Druids, I’ll put to your
               disposition all the faculties and powers that I developed in the Black Order, and I will die for
               you if it is necessary, for you to comply with the mission that Belicena Villca entrusted you!

                      It was useless for me trying to persuade Kurt that the situation was not so grave, that
               nobody was going to die. I just achieved to convince him about my naivety. Anyhow, one thing
               was clear: incredibly, he possessed the faculty to communicate telepathically with Captain Kiev,
               one of the Lords of Venus that Belicena Villca mentioned repeatedly on her letter.

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