Page 560 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 560
imperceptibly the Time of the manifestation of the Voice. The Voice emerged I the
remembrance and I was trying to gird the remembrance around it, cutting the appendant,
focusing only on it, trying to convert the fleetingess in permanence, without losing its vocal
dymanic for this reason. Therefore I went achieving, more each time, to «follow» the message
of the Voice from its apparition to its extinction.
The apparition (beginning) doesn’t worried me, but the extinction yes, because I was
extending more each time the last moment of the Voice, until I reached to «hear» with
complete clarity the final tone, the precise limit between the Voice and Silence. Reaching to
that point I felt in the consciousness –for being so directed towards the Voice– as if would have
been a conical and acute prominence, as a funnel seen from the side in which the liquid is
The Voice had penetrated in my mind through a point –the inner ear– and there pointed
the vertex of the psychic cone in which the consciousness was converted at chasing tenaciously
the instant of the final extinction of the «message».
I went practicing that kind of selective evocation when, at «examining» (in some manner
it must be said) the psychic cone, suddenly I saw myself precipitated in a tunnel slightly
spiralled and vaporous, as a vertex of bright and milky energy that prompt concluded with an
image perfectly defined and clear. I could see and hear at the same time because there was
from whom the Voice emerged.
Followeing the Voice on its extinction, as an echo, I had arrived to its source of origin
and this was glaringly and blinding. Provided now not just by an inner ear but also of an inner
vision I participated enraptured of a sublime igneous image. Because such wonderful and
marvellous Verb was not emitted by any throat, neither it came of any human entity or just
anthropomorphic. It just emerged from a tongue of fire that twinkled rhythmically
accompanying the becoming of the Verb.
–O cold and shining Fire, God is witness that in you I have recognized the Divinity of the
Hyperborean Spirit!
In front to that Divine Presence, made of Fire, Voice and Wisdom, I didn’t comit the
foolishness to interrogate, neither I had surprise nor desire to know or comprehend.
A wild hapiness, a primordial joy was invading me while the igneous logos shone under
the inner sight. And that ineffable joy obeyed to a certainty: I had recovered something lost
long time ago, I didn’t know to say when or where. But with security was about it because the
flamboyant Presence was not unknown for me although in some mysterious way I had