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P. 556
Chapter XV
When I reacted, after perceiving one of these «messages», my first impulse was to «ask»
something else to the Voice, to interrogate about the «interpretation» of the message, or about
the same Voice.
But it was useless because the Voice disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared and
I just obtained silence for answer. However, when I was not thinking on it, and I was
meditating about something in the ambit of the History, the Philosophy or the Religion,
appeared the Fugacious Comment, the Wise and Aglow Word, as a Spark of Wisdom.
That difficulty of «communication» with the Voice instead of disappointing me, it
stimulated my curiosity and it took me to a brief quest of information about so weird
The inner ear had been opened when I was presented to the Führer, due to the powerful
influence of his presence, and then I left with Dad to Egypt to pass some vacations, as I said
before. Was during those days that I tried to reveal the mystery of the furtive apparitions of the
Voice. For it I began to read all what referred to cases similar to mine, realizing with horror that
until a few years before anyone who experienced the audition of voices became suspect of
witchery or demonology. The image of Joan of Arc, the «The Maid of Orléans», burning in the
stake for following the dictation of an inner Voice not resulted a very pleasant incentive to
deppen in the matter.
But thinking that we were in another century encouraged me, in an Age opened to the
investigation and knowledge. Even if I warned after every step that I made in the field of the
psychic experience abounded the supersticion and scepticism.
Reading the works of Allan Kardec, the founder of the modern Spiritism, I verified that
amongst the multiple forms of Mediumship described as «common for many gifted people»,
figured an Auditive Mediumship, which I believed that could be compared to the
phenomenon that I was experiencing.
According to Allan Kardec a Medium is a person that can make contact with the «World
of the Spirits»: «What is a Medium? Is the being, the individual, that serves as bond for the
Spirits so they be able to communicate with men. Without Medium there’s no possible
communication, being this tangible, mental, written, physical or of any type». And also says: «A
Spirit is a man without physical body».