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P. 554
Krishna and Arjuna
It only rest to face the conflict following the «Path of Action», facing the opposite and
complying with the Dharma. «Fear not to kill, –says Sri Krishna–, they are already dead in
I was meditating about the precedent paragraph of the Ghita, in the extraordinary moral
implications that emerge from this ancient Indoaryan text when I «heard» the Voice again:
–You musn’t deceive yourself by the superficial meaning of the concepts, O Kurt, man of
Pure Blood. The message of Krishna is directed to the both natures of Arjuna, the animic and
the spiritual. To his animic part, to his nature of animal-man, Krishna advises him to continue
with the dramatic argument in which is involved for his Karma: Arjuna is human, he is
incarnated and lives karmic curcumstances; he must comply with the Dharma and resolve the
conflict of the opposed Archetypes; in such manner he will realize the condemn imposed a
priori by the Lords of the Karma of Chang Shambalah, the incomprehensible condemn of the
familiar war that weighs upon his heart. But to his spiritual part, to his Aryan-Hyperborean
nature, the Siddha Krishna suggest him to transcend the opposites, not through its synthesis,
which could be the war, but situating himself in the absolute instance of the Eternal Spirit. The
Spirit, «the Being», indeed, is Eternal and Uncreated, stranger to all the Created opposites,