Page 558 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 558

The meditation of all these allowed me to comprehend that the «interrogation» is an
               attitude  intrinsically  rational;  it  means,  that  it  is  only  possible  to  interrogate    from  that
               ordination that we call reason. Of all the existent creatures only the man interrogates and he
               makes it to know, to obtain knowledge.

                      Expression of his miserable ineptness and the drama of his ignorance, the interrogation,
               starting from the reason, the logic, permits him to emit inferences, propositions, and make
               judgements. But the knowledge obtained exclusively from the reason, by the interrogationto
               the reality of the world, entails a –violence and rebellion. The interrogation carries implicit the
               possibility of an answer and this implication there is something superb and arrogant.

                      Interrogates who proudly «knows» that will be satiated on its knowledge. This rebellion,
               this pride, the arrogance, al last, this violence that lies behind in the interrogation is, of course,
               totally  useless,  every  time  that  it  doesn’t  facilitate  the  liberation  of  man  from  his
               incarceration to the illusory forms of the matter.

                      The moral error of the interrogation as «means to know» is evidentiated in all its absurd
               contradiction  when  man  affirms  the  «right»  to  ask,  it  means  when  he  establishes  that  it  is
               juridical and morally licit and even advisable to practice the interrogation, absurd possibility
               that guides  inevitably to the nagation of God (atheism), to confess the impossibility of this
               question  (agnosticism)  or  the  most  perturbing  hyphotesis  which  are  just  that,  probable
               answers but not real answers.

                      The  Gnosis,  philosophical  current  that  Belicena  Villca  referred  enough,  affirmed  the
               possibility to be «saved» by means of the knowledge (gnosis), but this «knowledge» must not be
               obtained in a rational manner. As Serge Hutin said: «The gnosis, possession of the Initiates, is
               opposed to the vulgar pistis (belief) of the simply faithfuls. It is less a ‘knowledge’ than a secret
               and  mysterious  revelation».  «…  The  gnosis  constitutes  once  it  has  been  reached,  a  total
               knowledge, immediate¸ that the individual possesses enterly or lacks at all; is the ‘knowledge’
               itself,  absolute,  that  includes  Man,  the  Cosmos  and  the  Divinity.  And  is  just  through  this

               knowledge –and not through the faith or actions– that an individual can be saved».

                      Exists then another way to «know» and, even if an obscurantist conspiracy has erased
               the Gnosis and its Initiatic Wisdom from the Official History, was in the «gnostic» way that I
               found the solution to communicate with the Voice.

                      Is  that  effectively  there  is  a  form  to  obtain  knowledge  «beyond»  the  reason,  without
               falling into the mechanic of the question and answer, of the comparison and the conclusion, of
               the analysis and the synthesis, at last, of the dialectis. And it is extremely simple. Consists to

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