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forgotten  it  until  that  moment.  And  the  happiness  of  the  reunion  filled  my  Spirit  of  an
               indescribable pleasure.

                      I ignore how much lasted such first ecstasy, but I remember clearly the knowledge that
               «remained» in my consciousness as a sedimentary stratum at the end of the experience. I say
               «knowledge» because at making telepathic contact with the mysterious Voice, I acceded to a
               Torrent of Wisdom –I wouldn’t know to name it in another form– that at penetrating in the
               Spirit  dissolved  every  doubt,  turned  worthless  any  question  and  joined  and  synthetized  the
               opposites.  This  occurred  thus  because  the  Voice  –authentic  Logos–  which  substance  was
               constituted by the Fire and Verb, transmitted Its Word by the mere fact to enter in contact
               with it.

                      And  what  said  the  Voice  in  that  occasion?  It  would  be  an  awkward  pretension  to
               describe  with  words  such  transcendental  experience  but  I  will  run  the  risk  and  brief  and
               imperfectly I’ll resume the eseential parts of the message:

                      –«I  am  a  Being  belonging  to  the  Ancient  Race  that  came  to  the  Earth  with  Lucifer
               millions of years ago. I’ve been called Angel, but this is an ambiguous denomination. I’ve been
               one of the Great Hyperborean Leaders and as such you have known me in a remote past that,
               however, is always present in the Mystery of the Pure Blood. By my Hyperborean name you
               must call me: Kiev; because thus will ‘recognize’ me Humanity at the end of the Dark Age or
               Kaly Yuga. You are united to me, as other countless Spirits chained by the Symbol of the Origin,
               the link that connects the Created with the Uncreated: you, and any of them, can reach to me
               and to the Origin of the Race of the Spirit, resolving the Mystery of the Labyrinth, crossing the
               illusion of the Created Forms, returning to the Path of the Pure Blood, as you have done now
               without comprehending it. There, in the Origin, exist other Beings like Me, belonging to the
               Race of the Spirit, who have been also called Angels. But, in reality, all come from Venus, the
               Door of Venus.

                      –You can communicate with me whenever you want now that you know how to return
               to the Origin following  the  Path of the Pure Blood,  but  you  musn’t  do  it if you have not
               obtained to understand the Mystery of the Labirynth and be owner of the Space and Time.

                      Otherwise my presence will act as a drug that will put to sleep your incipient spiritual
               consciousness. You are a victim of the Great Deceit. You believe that you are and you almost
               don’t exist beyond the caprice of Jehovah Satan. While you don’t return consciously to the
               Origin, there where you are now without knowing it, you must not come to me because you can
               miss the path. First you must know what you already are, you must return to the Beginning
               whence you have never left, recover the Paradise that you never lost. When you be capable to
               resolve this Mystery, marching through the path of the Labirynth and reaching to the exit, just

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