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P. 566
In my particular case, existed express orders, of Rudolph Hess, to accelerate the stay in
the Crossinsee and the Vogelsang so I just assited three months to the first burg and three
months to the second. In Sonthofen I stayed six months and then I passed three months in
Bernau¸nearby Berlin, a secret centre of the S.D. where was imparted the teaching in
techiniques of counterspionage. In total fifteen large and harsh months of study that concluded
at the ends of 1938 when, with the grade of Hauptsturmführer I abandoned definitely the
official halls and libraries in quality of student.
Since my arrival to Germany, in 1933, had elapsed six years during which I received an
education of Elite, so specific and good conceived for what was desired to obtain of me, that it
is difficult to imagine how it could have been improved.
In that date –continued Kurt– Germany and her allies were going to enter in the Total
War against the Potencie of the Matter, war which was more terrible than the one of the
Mahabharata, and, when times ran out, I had the opportunity to act in benefice of my
homeland and the Humanity. In fact, neffe: before the outbreak of the conflict I received my
first mission, a so strange enterprise that would be difficult to fit it in within the military
operations, specially in ourdays, where the «professional» armies are well oiled machines and
the soldiers simple robots. But is that the Waffen was not an organization merely military
but the external expression of the Black Order, an Order of Hyperborean Inititates: then
existed, along with the operations classically military, missions of pure esoteric character. One
of these was the Operation Altwesten that the Professor Shcaeffer had undertaken in 1937,
funded and directed by the . As Rudolph Hess had anticipated, my Destiny was attached to
such expedition to the Tibet and nobody, neither the traitor Schaeffer, could prevent me to
participate on it. However in 1937 the group had already left and just one year later I
incorporated with them in the Tibet.
The previous circumstances were not less strange, but I’ll narrate you them after we
have taken the dinner –Uncle Kurt said surprisingly. He watched his clock and lifted his hand
to the brow with astonishment–. I am an inconsiderate! Since five hours ago that I am
entertaining you without noticing that this is the first time that you leave the bed in fifteen
days. Are you fine really? Tell me the truth because it might be better if you rest and I send up
you the dinner.
–I am very well Uncle Kurt while we were going to the dining hall. One hour later we
were returning to the armchairs after a cold and light dinner, based in cold meat and salads,
during which we spoke of many themes completely disconected from the interrupted narration.