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P. 562

then you can say I am. But do not be afraid, you won’t be alone, you’ll be guided charismatically
               to the end. Follow the Closed Circles of the Orden of Thule but don’t stop in anyone; go ahead
               always, until the Penultimate Circle; there we will meet again. And finally, try to interpret this

               with  wisdom,  my  advice  and  guide:  in  the  planetary  order  first  the  Führer;  in  the
               individual order first Rudolph Hess. Therefore, follow Rudolph Hess, inpire you in Rudolph

                      I had achieved to resolve the  Mystery of the Voice, reaching to its occult source, the
               Divine  Kiev,  but  once  fulfilled  this  wonderful  psychic  feat  it  was  forbidden  to  me  the  re-
               establishment of the contact provoking me a strange feeling of sadness. Respectfully unable to
               contemplate the twinkling sphinx of Kiev due to –I accepted it tacitly– of my imperfection, I
               just  desired  to  save  the  obstacles  that  separated  me  from  the  Penultimate  Circle  of  the
               Thulegesellschaft  where  I  would  be  authorized  to  re-establish  the  telephatic  link  with  the

                      I  was  thinking  in  all  these  when  the  train  was  taking  me  rapidly  to  Pomerania,
               lamenting  because  I  didn’t  find  Rudolph  Hess  in  Berlin  to  entrust  him  what  happened  and
               consult him about the Divine Hyperborean Kiev.

               Chapter XVI

                      Uncle Kurt, what you have told me is amazing! You alone, internally, i.e., without any
               help, reached to one of the Liberator Gods! –I exclaimed, impressed for the similitude of his
               experience with my perception of such infinite instant, the  night of the  earthquake, during
               which I contemplated the Divine image of the Virgin of Agartha.

                      –And  tell  me  Uncle:  –I  added,  ignoring  the  protest  gestures  of  Uncle  Kurt,  who
               pretended  to  continue  linearly  with  his  narration–  Could  you  conserve  the  faculty  to
               communicate with Captain Kiev? I mean: Did you hear him later? Do you hear him now?

                      –Yes,  neffe  –He  affirmed  with  resignation–.  Even  though  many  years  elapsed  until  I
               dared to speak directly to Him, His Voice guided me in every moment, saving my life a little
               time later, in Asia, as you will see if you let me prosecute with the relation. But I advance you an
               affirmative answer to your last question: I still hear him; he still guides me. He ordered me to
               come  to  Santa  María  and  stay  here.  And  even  if  I  complied  with  His  mandate,  I  did  it
               begrudgingly, and all these years, these thirty three years, I remained in open rebellion against

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